Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bite Me.

Come over here and I will.

Or at least Will will.

Lately he has taken to biting. Everything. Part of me is glad he doesn't have teeth yet because the gums alone are pretty strong. But if he had teeth he might not be so fussy. all. day. long.


Gloria said...

haha this is too funny!! :) It was GREAT seeing you!!! Sure wish you lived closer! :)

Jill said...

ahahahaha! come over here and i will.

Emily said...

love the shout out to melskies: come over here and i will :) the pictures are hilarious!

The Cunninghams said...

He is hilarious! Cute pictures!

Carrie said...

It must be the age - Josh is biting everything too. Yes, they have strong little mouths - he has almost taken off a finger a time or two!

Melanie said...

hahaha! thanks for that, caroo! that made me laugh:)