Sunday, April 18, 2010


I've been reading books to Will for awhile. He used to just kind of sit there and look at the pictures for a few minutes and when he started to fuss I would stop reading. Well, these days he likes to talk, so I just keep reading. Here we are reading before bed tonight.

We are pretty sure he thinks "reading" consists of intermittently yelling at pictures. Note how he gets quiet as I turn the page.

More than anything else, this video shows off his voice for any aunts/uncles/grandparents that are wondering what he sounds like.


Laura said...

haha that's really funny. the picture and the video are both hilarious!

Jilleen said...

Oh my goodness!! Could he be any cuter?!

Carly said...

I am pretty sure I comment on every single one of your blog posts, but I love this kid. I know Sadie was not this vocal at 4 months. And she still won't sit through a book without just grabbing it and eating it.

Tina said...

I loved this video! He is so cute, and you're right, it's pretty clear that he thinks you "yell" at the book until time to turn the page. We'll have to get you read a book to him when you are here in May.

The Diggins Family said...

That is the greatest picture - I love it! I really should try reading to Josh more - and even though he's gotten much louder, I think Will wins :).

Melissa said...

Oh my word, he is so cute! I love his voice!