Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hair today

The last week of school for Tony was pretty busy. He was staying up late and getting up early, so corners had to be cut, natch. One of the first things to go was shaving. Some of you may know that Anthony has some pretty full facial hair--a week with no shaving yielded some very visible results. Since his stressful week was over he decided to have some fun while shaving.

Here are the results:
If only he had watched Anger Management BEFORE he shaved off his beard. He could have grown this:

You'll have to direct your attention to Luiz Guzman (he's in the purple) at the center of the picture. He shaved a sweet question mark into his goatee.

Oh well, something to shoot for next time, I guess.


Jill said...

That is ridiculous. Which means I would love it, natch.

Melissa said...

We loved the handlebar mustache...Brandon informs me that in Canada, mustaches are referred to as "the sexy." Apparently that's how he felt about yours also. We must know, what in the world is "natch?"

The Diggins Family said...

The goatee (I have no idea how to spell that - not much experience with the topic) is not too bad - the mustache is hideous (sorry Tony), though very well done for what it is. We look forward to next time.

Laura said...

I personally love the handlebar stache. Next time he should definitely shave it into a question mark! that would be hilarious!!

Anonymous said...

Ok I had to check the mustache 2x, cuz I saw his Red Sox shirt =). I agree with Laura =)...The ? "tache"

Laura said...

Natch=naturally! Am I right?!

Sarah Oman said...

I vote for the handle bars. He could wear a leather jacket and make it all work.