Saturday, December 31, 2022

2023 :: week 52

December 25
The kids were awake and excited Christmas morning. We had plenty of time to open our gifts before heading to church at 10:30am. The kids were very thoughtful and gracious and excited for each other. It was one of our best mornings yet! Church was nice, with lots of Christmas music. After church we retuned home and changed into comfy clothes. I made rolls for our dinner. That evening we picked up Dana and enjoyed a delicious feast at with our family at my parents house. I took almost no pictures because I really wanted to be in the present and not be connected to my phone all day.

December 26
We spent Boxing Day playing with our gifts and finding places for them in our house. That evening Jill and Melanie came over and we sauned. It was fun to spend time with my sisters.

December 27
Laura arrived on Tuesday! I did some deeper cleaning in our basement to prep for their arrival, In the afternoon Lauren went to Katie Howell's house and Will went to the Benson's. That night we all ate lasagna at my parents and took a picture of the complete set of grandchildren now that Hannah and Riley are in Kansas. Tony and I got to visit a bit with Laura and Trevor after the kids went to bed, but unfortunately their kids didn't sleep great so we couldn't talk long.

December 28
Anthony had to go back to work--more than a full day--9am to 9pm! The rest of us met up with the Staritas, Allreds and Wilsons at the Olathe Stake Center to play pickleball and let the kids burn some energy. We weren't the only ones with that idea and it was a little chaotic, but we still had fun. The Toms stayed at our house to let their kids nap, then visited my parents while it was quieter at their house. That night we had ribs at my parents and hung out for awhile.

December 29
The Starita kids came over for a playdate and we walked up to the school playground. Elliott was in his element showing off the equipment and running into a few classmates who were excited to see him. In the afternoon we took family pictures in Louisburg at the Dunn family's property. It turned out to be pleasant, but we wanted to have an indoor option too in case it was freezing or icy. It always takes a lot of effort to take nice family pictures, but I think everyone was satisfied with the results. That evening we celebrated Tony's birthday with Costco pizza, fruit, cheesecake and another tuxedo cake. My sisters came over to our house for a "sister's night." It was the first time we had all been together since the stressful events of the summer and it was nice to talk and share how we were feeling about everything. After everyone left Laura and Trevor ended up taking Hannah to Overland Park Regional for breathing treatments. She was experiencing stridor--whistling breathing that indicates she wasn't getting enough oxygen. She had a bit of a cold that seemed to progress into something worse. Anthony and I listened for Riley, but only had to attend to him once while they were gone. They were exhausted when they got back to our house and were anxious to head home the next day.

December 30
Leah and Caleb came over to play with Lauren and Elliott & Miles. Lauren and Leah have always been close, but Elliott and Caleb have become great buddies this year as well. The kids had a lot of fun together. Caleb shares a love of Pokémon with our boys. Lauren and Leah played with their dolls and then made up a handshake that ended in them forming a heart with their arms. The Staritas had to leave for the airport that afternoon and everyone was sad. The Toms also left Friday. They didn't sleep well the night before and we were disappointed we didn't get to spend as much time with them as we had hoped. 

December 31
Our house felt too quiet Saturday. We were spoiled with so much family time over the past few weeks. We decided to sauna and Miles wanted me to take an updated picture because I made a magnet out of the photo I took on our inaugural sauna, and because Miles was only 8 months old he didn't participate. He does NOT like to be left out. The kids jumped on the trampoline in between sessions in the sauna and their laughter was a sound I want to remember forever. 2022 was one of the hardest years of my life, but things feel like they are on the up and up. I can't wait to see what 2023 has in store for our family!

Monday, December 26, 2022

2022 :: week 51

December 18
Throughout the years Memaw and Pepaw have hosted a Christmas sing-a-long in the weeks before Christmas. After taking last year off for understandable reasons, it was back this year! 

December 19
We heard the family that runs Paulie's Penguin Playground was going to retire after the 2022 Christmas season so we wanted to visit it one last time. We coordinated our Bass Pro Santa visit with the Allreds and Wilsons and then headed over. Everything is more fun with cousins.

December 20
Will went caroling with the youth Tuesday night. Brother Benson brought his guitar to accompany the kids while they sang. 

December 21
Wednesday we did our John Family "Christmas in the City" excursion. We walked through the lights and looked at the trains at Union Station, then took the train to City Market where we ate delicious Minksy's Pizza for dinner. When we got back to Overland Park we stopped at my parents to say hello to the Staritas who just arrived from Boston.

December 22
Thursday morning I took Will in for his 13 year well-child check-up. He is 4'9" and weighs 77 pounds. Still small, but getting bigger! That evening we helped Melanie celebrate her 33rd birthday.  We ate yummy tuxedo cake from Costco--the first of many we would consume over the break. That evening the brothers-in-law used the sauna at our house.

December 23
Leah Starita is a talented party planner. She wanted to do have a "Cousin Christmas Party" while they were in town and Friday night was the designated night. I took our three older kids, and Tyler was there too, as well as the Starita family. It was the first time Memaw came to the basement since her stroke, but she couldn't miss out on the epic Christmas music dance party. There were great dance moves, as well as a conga line. After dancing we drank hot chocolate and then popped pop corn and watched The Santa Clause. Our kids had a great time!

December 24
I ran a few last minute errands in the morning, then made zupa toscana for dinner. We had our annual soup dinner for Christmas Eve where each family brings a different soup to share. Then we acted out the nativity. Some participants were more enthusiastic than others. After the devotional we opened a present each, then sang Christmas carols. When we got home we took a few pictures of the kids and did our bedtime routines. Tony and I watched It's A Wonderful Life together, which always makes me cry and feel extra grateful for my family. We quickly set out gifts and then headed to bed. We told the kids not to come down before 7am, and they did honor that request, though they were not quiet while they were waiting.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

2022 :: week 50

December 11
Sometimes it is hard to figure out how to use our time wisely on Sunday. Elliott and Lauren did a Lego build for several hours in the afternoon while Anthony and I taught our last temple and mission prep class of 2022. In our youth class we talked about going to the temple for the first time and garments.

December 12
Miles and Elliott remind me of puppies. They are constantly climbing on top of each other (and Dad and Will) and dog piling whatever chance they get. 

December 13
Miles and I hit up the library after school Tuesday to pick up and drop off some books. This past month I've listened to two audiobooks American Royals and the sequel Majesty. For January book club I've been reading Jacob P Marley, which is a twist on A Christmas Carol. Lauren and I have been reading A Place to Hang the Moon Together which is very heartwarming. 

December 14
Will and Lauren were both feeling sick and stayed home from school Wednesday. Nothing major, but both were running fevers and had sore throats. They spent the day resting, watching shows and resting some more. Lauren felt well enough to go back to school Thursday, but Will had to stay home again the next day. He ended up having to miss his band concert Thursday evening, though he was feeling fine at that point.

December 15
I got to go up to OPC and "help" the first graders build their gingerbread houses. Each kid gets to pick a different building in a community and the make "plans" for how they are going to construct it with various edible materials. Elliott chose to build a baseball stadium. Surprise, surprise.

December 16
Will participated in the 3v3 basketball tournament at Indian Woods on Friday with Knox and Landon. They lost both games, but had fun. The PTA runs the tournament and they were looking for refs and Anthony agreed to help. He really enjoyed himself, and by all accounts was the best ref there. After the tournament the boys met the rest of us at the Stake Center for the first Oak Park Ward Christmas Party.

December 17
We officially have a teenager! Will turned 13 Saturday and his one wish was Five Guys for lunch. Will is a great kid and makes me feel like I'm a better parent than I probably am. He is a hard worker, gets good grades, treats others with respect, is a great example for his younger siblings, and has a positive attitude *most* of the time. This year he started middle school and I was worried about how that change would affect him. Turns out I shouldn't have worried for a second because Will has thrived in middle school. He rides the bus without complaint and has straight As in his classes. He has made some great friends in our new ward and is a source of strength in the YM program. He continues to play the piano and started playing the baritone in the band this year. He pitches on a rec league baseball team and is planning to play in the developmental basketball league at Indian Woods. For his birthday he got a new basketball, sports cards, Chiefs slides, candy and sodas. Each fall our piano teacher has two recitals--one for Halloween and one for Christmas--and this year they both happened to be on our kid's birthdays. Will and Lauren played a duet "Deck the Halls," while Lauren played "Silent Night." Will worked on "Carol of the Bells," but didn't perform it in the recital. That night we had white chicken chili for dinner (one of Will's many favorite foods). 

Sunday, December 11, 2022

2022 :: week 49

December 4
On Sunday Calvin Crane Allred was blessed in the Oak Park Ward. My mom was able to come to church for the first time since she had her stroke, which was extra special. The Allreds came to the blessing and then immediately left for the airport for a week in Utah. My dad would leave for a work trip the next morning and I spent Monday through Thursday overnight with mom. I treasure the time I get to spend with her, I only wish the rest of my life could be put on pause. Alas it cannot, so it was a tiring week.

December 5
Early Monday morning I took TJ to Olathe Med for his third colonoscopy. Miles and I waited while he received the procedure. Thankfully he was clean--no polyps this time!

December 6
Tuesday night we were double booked. Will and I went to an informational meeting about the basketball leagues at Indian Woods, then hightailed it over to SMS where the rest of the family was watching Lauren perform with her honor choir at the South Area Holiday Concert. The Junior Raiders sang "In the Bleak Midwinter,"  "Hot Chocolate," and "El Gato Blanco." Several of Lauren's friends are in the choir, including Simone, Caroline, Allie, Ella and Ashton. 

December 7
Memaw treated the family to Chick-fil-A peppermint milk shakes to thank the kids for having such a great attitude while I was gone at night most of the week. Will was all dressed up because he was about to head to the Stake Center the For the Strength of Youth Standards Night activity. 

December 8
I made salmon soup and blueberry pie (Mustikkapiirakka) to celebrate the Finnish Independence Day. 

December 9
Will has been gathering data for his science fair project. He is testing to see how different types of shoes affect his speed. He measured twenty yards on the sidewalk in front of our house and sprints the distance wearing each pair of shoes while I time him. Not surprisingly the dress shoes and cleats struggle on the pavement, but we were both surprised with his time while wearing the slides. We have done several heats in random order over the past few weeks.

December 10
This was the weekend of adult holiday parties. On Friday evening we went to the Messner home for the Stake Council Christmas Party. We carpooled with the Olsons which was fun. Anthony was a little stressed because he was in charge of the entertainment and there is a range or age and interests within the stake council. Saturday evening we went to the New Theatre Restaurant courtesy of NCCT. We sat with Neal and his wife Liz and enjoyed fun conversation while eating lots of yummy food. "Come Blow Your Horn," by Neil Simon was the play that evening, starring Hal Lindon and Sally Struthers. It was surprisingly funny and we had a very fun night. Our kids were awesome while we were gone. We left Will and Lauren in charge and both nights they kept the younger kids entertained and then were in bed asleep before we arrived home.


Sunday, December 4, 2022

2022 :: week 48

November 27
Sometimes we all sing a few primary songs together on Sunday night before everyone heads home. This week a bunch of the boys wanted to be the chorister. It was pretty cute.

November 28
The people Miles draws are looking more and more like actual people. Miles told me this was a good guy.

November 29
The kids requested some hot chocolate after school Tuesday. Elliott and Miles mostly like putting lots of extras into the hot chocolate--mini marshmallows, whipped cream, mints etc. I don't usually care for hot drinks, but it has gotten colder this week and the cocoa really hit the spot.

November 30
Liberally applying Vaseline to Elliott's lips has become a staple of our bedtime routine. Elliott has a lot of energy, and thankfully he is willing to play outside in the cold. Cole came over today and they played and had fun for quite awhile, inside and out.  

December 1
When the weather swings I am susceptible to headaches. After Miles I picked Miles up from school I convinced him we should take a little nap. I didn't think it would work, but it did and it was wonderful! Miles rarely will snuggle with me like this and it was extra sweet to fall asleep to his light snoring. Thankfully I felt better after our nap because I hosted book club that evening. We read and discussed American Royals by Katharine McGee.  

December 2
Friday evening Lauren had a girl scout activity at the Johnson County Museum. They were given clues that took them throughout the building to solve a mystery. She had a good time. Meanwhile I took Will Christmas shopping to Target and while we were there he decided to buy a pack of baseball cards for himself too. Elliott and Miles were excited to watch him open the pack. 

December 3
Saturday morning started off with an indoor soccer game for Lauren. After her game we quickly headed to the noon showing of Elf at Union Station. Going to a classic Christmas movie at Union Station is one of our favorite holiday traditions and I left feeling excited for the month ahead.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

2022 :: week 47

November 20
We had a pretty nice Sunday. Anthony and I spoke in the Chapel Hill ward, then we attended our ward afterwards. I felt the spirit pretty strongly a few times. In the afternoon Anthony played Settlers of Catan with Will and Lauren. At dinner Sunday evening Memaw is surrounded by the grandkids. 

November 21
John Family Staycations 2022! We switched things up a bit this year and stayed at the Westin Crown Center. We started off the staycation by having Emily take our family pictures at the Nelson Atkin Museum. Then we checked into the Westin, walked across the street and rode the streetcar to the City Market where we ate a delicious dinner at Pigwich. After dinner we went back to our hotel and swam in the indoor/outdoor pool. It is mostly an outdoor pool with a tiny hot-tub sized amount of water indoors that connects to a tunnel you swim through to get to the big outdoor pool.  It was a little exhilarating swimming outside in the cold, but mostly it was just really cold. The kids had better stamina than the adults. We all spent a little time in the hot tub, and Anthony took Will to the weight room. That night we didn't sleep as well as we hoped, but did survive the night.

November 22
We started our day by checking out the Giving Machines at Crown Center. The kids always enjoy climbing on the wooden holiday decorations around the Mayor's Christmas Tree too. We stopped and picked up McDonald's for breakfast before heading to the zoo. We had a great zoo day! We had several fun animal encounters and rode the sky safari and carousel. When we left the zoo we were all feeling tired. We picked up McAllister's for dinner and headed home.

November 23
Laura asked me to make another cross-stitch for Trevor for Christmas. I spent several hours working on it this week. I wish I had more time to just create, I find it very fulfilling. 

November 24
We always have so much to be grateful for on Thanksgiving. This year we all felt extra grateful for Memaw, that she is still with us and that she continues to improve. In the morning Will and Tony played flag football at SMW with friends from church. In the afternoon I made rolls and TJ made his traditional sweet potato crumble. We ate Thanksgiving dinner at my parents home with my parents, the Allreds, Wilsons and Dana. Jill brought several delicious pies. We had a great day!

November 25
The kids spent several hours Friday hanging out with the Sutherlins. Now that Covid is over, the kids have gotten older and the Sutherlins are able to ride their bikes farther away from home the kids aren't spending as much time together. Will and Curran played on the switch for awhile while Elliott and Bennett alternated between watching the older boys and jumping on the trampoline. Lauren and Henleigh played outside and crafted.

November 26
Saturday morning my dad came over to help us put up Christmas lights. He is so nice to help us look festive each year. That afternoon we had a birthday party for Lauren at the Lenexa Rec Center pool. I was in the water with a very clingy Miles most of the time so I didn't take any group pictures.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

2022 :: week 46

November 13
Anthony and I taught our youth class Sunday afternoon. Anthony talked about embracing the culture where you serve and we brought some Finnish treats to share. He saw a funny Finnish ad on facebook that alluded to Mormon missionaries, only it was Finnish missionaries in Texas proselyting about universal healthcare and education. 

I am grateful for the youth that come to our class, they have a positive vibe about them.

November 14
Miles and I were sitting on the couch watching Curious George Monday afternoon. He started talking about a cat, which confused me until I realized he was talking about the Mansingh's cat sunning on our back porch. Miles went outside and had a lot of fun playing with Emma for about half and hour.

I am grateful for our deck. It is a safe place for our kids to play outside when it is cold and I can easily keep an eye on them from the warmth of the TV room.

November 15
For the past fifteen years travel has been a big part of my dad's job. Covid times made his travel more rare, but it picked back up starting in early 2022. After Mom's stroke he put most of his travel on hold, but he now has to make up for lost time. While he travels my sisters and I help take care of my mom, along with paid caretakers. When I spend the night with my mom I try to get dinner prepped ahead of time. This week my dad was gone Sunday through Tuesday, and we ate dinner with my mom and then I spent the night on Sunday and Tuesday.

I am grateful that my sisters and I are able to work as a team to help our parents during this unexpected season of life.

November 16
Elliott and his buddies Cole and Ian did jumping jacks to stay warm at the park. I was ready to head straight home after school, but was willing to stay for a bit so they boys could get their wiggles out. 

I am grateful for Elliott's enthusiasm. When he is happy he is happy and he genuinely loves to be with his buddies. (The only thing he does half way is his chores). 

November 17
Thursday evening we went to a Family Fun Night at Miles' school. The teachers and staff set up stations around the school where students and their families could enjoy various literacy related activities. Will, Lauren and Elliott have all been peer models, so they enjoyed getting to reconnect with their preschool teachers and aides. We saw Will's teacher Miss Lindsey, Elliott's teacher Miss Amanda as well as the SLP Miss Helen who has worked with all our kids over the years. Lauren's teachers both were only at SMECEC for one year each, but there were several people who remembered her too. 

I am grateful for the peer modeling program. All four of our children have spent their preschool years in this program and they are better for it. The teachers and staff are so inclusive and warm. It has also saved our family thousands of dollars.

November 18
Will went on his first true winter campout Friday night. I was a bit worried because he didn't seem to be as concerned as I thought he should be about the overnight low of 16 degrees. He took several handwarmers and wore about four layers, but he was the only one there that wasn't wearing boots. The boys went exploring and Will fell off the side "of a cliff" (his words) and "luckily into a tree."  Around 4am several of the boys were awake and cold so the leaders rebuilt the fire. Despite his fall and the cold, Will had a great time and would "definitely do it again." 

I am grateful for the adult leaders in our ward who facilitate winter campouts. That is something I would never do, so the only way my kids get to experience that is through the sacrifice of others. 

November 19
Anthony replaced the battery in our van Saturday afternoon. It was freezing so he was willing to work in the tiny space between where we park and our garage fridge. We kept ourselves warm watching BYU football and basketball games, playing Settlers of Catan, watching Disenchanted and raking leaves.

I'm grateful for youtube tutorials that allow car novices like us to successfully replace car batteries by ourselves. 

Sunday, November 13, 2022

2022 :: week 45

November 6

Tyler has gotten into "cubing" and he spent time Sunday night helping Elliott learn how to solve one. Elliott's not there yet--but he did have a lot of fun. 

Today I am grateful that I was only substituting when I taught Sunday School. I enjoyed taking a short nap after church. 

November 7
Miles and I went to Costco after preschool on Monday. We lucked out and got some pretty good samples. Miles often asks if we can go to Costco when I pick him up from school. I enjoy the one-on-one time I get with him. Miles is turning into such a "kid."

Today I am grateful for the $4.99 Costco rotisserie chickens. I can buy one and use the meat in three meals.

November 8
Miles and I made banana bread on Tuesday. Once again I overbought bananas. I felt very domestic when I was able to serve the kids and their friends fresh banana bread after school. 

Today I am grateful for the many machines I have that make my life easier. Electric mixer, dishwasher, washer and dryer, microwave, robot vacuum, etc.

November 9
Lauren had full choir day Wednesday. During the school day the choir kids from the south area elementary schools went to SMS to rehearse for their first choir concert. Each elementary school is wearing a different t-shirt and sang  "Yonder Come Day," and "Light One Candle," at the concert. The final number, "America the Beautiful," was combined with the middle and high school choirs. 

Today I am grateful for music and how it makes me feel. I am grateful that my husband and children love music and that they fill our home with music on a daily basis.

November 10
Thursday we made Thankful Turkeys to mail to Aunt Melanie. Every year she likes to make a "Thankful Turkey Farm" with hand-turkeys from friends and family. 

Today I am thankful for traditions. Traditions help me feel connected to my loved ones. At the holidays and other special occasions traditions give me things to anticipate.

November 11
Lauren got to go on her first field trip since 2nd grade Friday and it was worth the wait. The 5th graders got to tour Arrowhead Stadium. Only a few parents got to go--there was a lottery--but the ones that did sent pictures. Lauren had a fun time, but felt like her tour guide spent too much time talking about the art work and not enough time spilling the tea about the Chiefs players. Lauren thought it was hilarious that Travis Kelce has an extra large locker to accommodate the large flashy coats he likes to wear before and after games. 

Today I am grateful for my warm house. In the evening we watched The Santa Clause 2 and were cozy together. 

November 12
Saturday was very cold. We had planned to take family pictures in the afternoon, but it was overcast and windy so we rescheduled. Lauren had a soccer game in the afternoon--thankfully it was indoor! Despite the cold Will and Knox practiced pickleball at the tennis courts for a few hours in preparation for the Indian Woods pickleball tournament next Thursday. With our extra time we did a deeper clean of the kids bedrooms--stripping the sheets, vacuuming and dusting. In the evening we watched Tyler and Mikey while Matt and Emily went out to dinner to celebrate their anniversary. I made two Finnish Blueberry Pies for temple prep class. 

Today I am grateful for that we live close to my family. It wasn't something I expected or even planned to do, but it is a great blessing to raise my children close to my parents and two of my sisters and their families.