Sunday, December 18, 2022

2022 :: week 50

December 11
Sometimes it is hard to figure out how to use our time wisely on Sunday. Elliott and Lauren did a Lego build for several hours in the afternoon while Anthony and I taught our last temple and mission prep class of 2022. In our youth class we talked about going to the temple for the first time and garments.

December 12
Miles and Elliott remind me of puppies. They are constantly climbing on top of each other (and Dad and Will) and dog piling whatever chance they get. 

December 13
Miles and I hit up the library after school Tuesday to pick up and drop off some books. This past month I've listened to two audiobooks American Royals and the sequel Majesty. For January book club I've been reading Jacob P Marley, which is a twist on A Christmas Carol. Lauren and I have been reading A Place to Hang the Moon Together which is very heartwarming. 

December 14
Will and Lauren were both feeling sick and stayed home from school Wednesday. Nothing major, but both were running fevers and had sore throats. They spent the day resting, watching shows and resting some more. Lauren felt well enough to go back to school Thursday, but Will had to stay home again the next day. He ended up having to miss his band concert Thursday evening, though he was feeling fine at that point.

December 15
I got to go up to OPC and "help" the first graders build their gingerbread houses. Each kid gets to pick a different building in a community and the make "plans" for how they are going to construct it with various edible materials. Elliott chose to build a baseball stadium. Surprise, surprise.

December 16
Will participated in the 3v3 basketball tournament at Indian Woods on Friday with Knox and Landon. They lost both games, but had fun. The PTA runs the tournament and they were looking for refs and Anthony agreed to help. He really enjoyed himself, and by all accounts was the best ref there. After the tournament the boys met the rest of us at the Stake Center for the first Oak Park Ward Christmas Party.

December 17
We officially have a teenager! Will turned 13 Saturday and his one wish was Five Guys for lunch. Will is a great kid and makes me feel like I'm a better parent than I probably am. He is a hard worker, gets good grades, treats others with respect, is a great example for his younger siblings, and has a positive attitude *most* of the time. This year he started middle school and I was worried about how that change would affect him. Turns out I shouldn't have worried for a second because Will has thrived in middle school. He rides the bus without complaint and has straight As in his classes. He has made some great friends in our new ward and is a source of strength in the YM program. He continues to play the piano and started playing the baritone in the band this year. He pitches on a rec league baseball team and is planning to play in the developmental basketball league at Indian Woods. For his birthday he got a new basketball, sports cards, Chiefs slides, candy and sodas. Each fall our piano teacher has two recitals--one for Halloween and one for Christmas--and this year they both happened to be on our kid's birthdays. Will and Lauren played a duet "Deck the Halls," while Lauren played "Silent Night." Will worked on "Carol of the Bells," but didn't perform it in the recital. That night we had white chicken chili for dinner (one of Will's many favorite foods). 

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