December 25 |
The kids were awake and excited Christmas morning. We had plenty of time to open our gifts before heading to church at 10:30am. The kids were very thoughtful and gracious and excited for each other. It was one of our best mornings yet! Church was nice, with lots of Christmas music. After church we retuned home and changed into comfy clothes. I made rolls for our dinner. That evening we picked up Dana and enjoyed a delicious feast at with our family at my parents house. I took almost no pictures because I really wanted to be in the present and not be connected to my phone all day.
December 26 |
We spent Boxing Day playing with our gifts and finding places for them in our house. That evening Jill and Melanie came over and we sauned. It was fun to spend time with my sisters.
December 27 |
Laura arrived on Tuesday! I did some deeper cleaning in our basement to prep for their arrival, In the afternoon Lauren went to Katie Howell's house and Will went to the Benson's. That night we all ate lasagna at my parents and took a picture of the complete set of grandchildren now that Hannah and Riley are in Kansas. Tony and I got to visit a bit with Laura and Trevor after the kids went to bed, but unfortunately their kids didn't sleep great so we couldn't talk long.
December 28 |
Anthony had to go back to work--more than a full day--9am to 9pm! The rest of us met up with the Staritas, Allreds and Wilsons at the Olathe Stake Center to play pickleball and let the kids burn some energy. We weren't the only ones with that idea and it was a little chaotic, but we still had fun. The Toms stayed at our house to let their kids nap, then visited my parents while it was quieter at their house. That night we had ribs at my parents and hung out for awhile.
December 29 |
The Starita kids came over for a playdate and we walked up to the school playground. Elliott was in his element showing off the equipment and running into a few classmates who were excited to see him. In the afternoon we took family pictures in Louisburg at the Dunn family's property. It turned out to be pleasant, but we wanted to have an indoor option too in case it was freezing or icy. It always takes a lot of effort to take nice family pictures, but I think everyone was satisfied with the results. That evening we celebrated Tony's birthday with Costco pizza, fruit, cheesecake and another tuxedo cake. My sisters came over to our house for a "sister's night." It was the first time we had all been together since the stressful events of the summer and it was nice to talk and share how we were feeling about everything. After everyone left Laura and Trevor ended up taking Hannah to Overland Park Regional for breathing treatments. She was experiencing stridor--whistling breathing that indicates she wasn't getting enough oxygen. She had a bit of a cold that seemed to progress into something worse. Anthony and I listened for Riley, but only had to attend to him once while they were gone. They were exhausted when they got back to our house and were anxious to head home the next day.
December 30 |
Leah and Caleb came over to play with Lauren and Elliott & Miles. Lauren and Leah have always been close, but Elliott and Caleb have become great buddies this year as well. The kids had a lot of fun together. Caleb shares a love of Pokémon with our boys. Lauren and Leah played with their dolls and then made up a handshake that ended in them forming a heart with their arms. The Staritas had to leave for the airport that afternoon and everyone was sad. The Toms also left Friday. They didn't sleep well the night before and we were disappointed we didn't get to spend as much time with them as we had hoped.
December 31
Our house felt too quiet Saturday. We were spoiled with so much family time over the past few weeks. We decided to sauna and Miles wanted me to take an updated picture because I made a magnet out of the
photo I took on our inaugural sauna, and because Miles was only 8 months old he didn't participate. He does NOT like to be left out. The kids jumped on the trampoline in between sessions in the sauna and their laughter was a sound I want to remember forever. 2022 was one of the hardest years of my life, but things feel like they are on the up and up. I can't wait to see what 2023 has in store for our family!
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