January 1 |
New year new classes. Our little guy Miles is now a Sunbeam. He wasn't too excited about it, but ended up deciding he did want to be a Sunbeam when his teachers had playdoh to use in class. He has male teachers (Brothers Ramirez and Rock) which works well because the class is full of boys too. I am in a little bit of denial that we are totally done with nursery. Elliott is now in senior primary, Lauren started YW, and Will is a Teacher.
January 2 |
Lauren and I did a little shopping Monday. Lauren loves to buy books, and the two places she's had the best luck at finding good deals are Savers and Half Price Books. Luckily they are located right by each other.
January 3 |
Just a pile of John kids cuddling on the couch. The kids go back to school on Thursday, but today was the first time I "could hardly wait for school to come again."
January 4 |
Will decided he wanted to learn how to solve a rubix cube after watching his cousin Tyler and Uncle Matt play with them over Christmas break. This week he got his "solve time" under two minutes! He was so happy when he achieved his goal.
January 5 |
Egg prices have gone WAY up over the past year. I read that there has been a terrible outbreak of avian flu this past year, causing farmers to put down entire flocks of laying hens. This is on top of rising transportation and feed costs. We eat a lot of eggs, so this is pretty disappointing.
January 6 |
Friday night was game night! We played several rounds of Connect Four and Yahtzee! Miles was surprisingly competitive with Lauren when playing Connect Four (Lauren went easy on him) and Elliott rolled one of the best games of Yahtzee! I've ever seen. After basketball tryouts Will went with Knox to the Blue Valley women's basketball game and then SMS boy's basketball game. He was gone from 8am-10:30pm, and I felt a little sad that he wasn't there to play games with us. I know this is only the beginning of kids going out on the weekend.
January 7
Saturday evening the daughter of our friends Peter and Michelle was married. We carpooled with the Throssells to the Kansas City Club and had a great time. The venue was a cool old building downtown next to the main library. After the ceremony there was a hot chocolate bar, then dinner and dancing. We sat at a table with friends from the old OP2 ward. It was great to catch up and laugh about shared memories from serving in our small but quirky ward.
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