Sunday, January 22, 2023

2023 :: week 3

January 15
This weekend was our Stake Conference. Lauren was asked to speak in the Sunday morning session about preparing to go to the temple and did an amazing job! Even though she was very nervous she read her talk clearly and was a highlight of the session. She spoke about how the temple connects the family of God together and how learning about the righteous women in her family makes her want to study be like them. In addition Lauren sang in the Youth Choir. They sang two songs, first a medley, "Search Ponder and Pray/I Think When I Read That Sweet Story," and "Trust in the Lord." Both were good, especially the medley. 

January 16
My dad was out of town this weekend at my Uncle Russ' funeral. When my dad has to travel Jill, Emily and I take turns spending time with my mom. I spent the night Friday and Sunday with my mom, and then we went over again and had dinner together Monday and hung out until my dad arrived home. I feel so grateful that I still get to spend time with my mom. In the afternoon we met up with several of Elliott's classmates at the recently renovated Strang Line Park. It was an unseasonably warm day for January and the park was packed. Regardless he had a great time with Elliott G, Lilyana and Jaklyn.

January 17
This week we started watching the new National Treasure show on Disney+. If you can get past the clunky social commentary/lecture in each episode, it is quite enjoyable. We have found it to be pretty fun, even though it is a little predictable. We are already counting down for the next few Wednesdays when the final three episodes are released. 

January 18
Lauren got to participate in her second Math Club meet of the season Wednesday. OPC teams swept the fifth grade competition, with Lauren's team coming in third. This time she was teamed up with Owen C and Theron S. It was fun to watch them compete. Their faces showed a wide range of emotions--contemplative, stressed, frustrated, relieved, disappointed, excited. Who knew a collaborative timed math competition could elicit so many feelings?

January 19
Two years ago I bought this pink 32 Degrees fleece jacket for Lauren at Costco. She has loved it and it has been her go to jacket ever since. Lately she has been frustrated because the zipper sticks. I asked if they were going to have them again at Costco and was told they would not be carrying them this year. I looked online at threadup and ebay and couldn't find the right match. This week Miles and I stopped at Savers to drop off some donations and last second decided to go in the store. I couldn't believe it when I saw the *exact* coat I have been looking for, brand new with tags, one size larger than Lauren's current coat for only $2.49. It felt like a tender mercy.

January 20

On Friday evening I went out to dinner with some of my book club friends. We took advantage of KC Restaurant week and ate at Fogo de Chao (Brazilian steakhouse). Not everyone was able to make it, but it was great to get out with those that could. Alexa, Allison, Fara, Fara's mom, Janice, Elena, Sarah, Sang and Tami are seated around the table (we missed Emily, Kate and Kristen).

January 21

Saturday evening we made Cheesesteak Sloppy Joes for dinner. A friend posted the recipe on facebook this summer and both Tony and I were intrigued. We made it and then decided to try it again with a few adjustments. All the kids like it without complaint which is always noteworthy, with Elliott (our pickiest eater) proclaiming it is now in his "top 10." I decided to ask the kids for their favorite foods list and this is what they said. Will--smash burgers, steak, pizza, salmon soup, zupa toscana, stroganoff, tikka masala, creamy chicken & rice, ham and white bean chicken chili. Lauren--Creamy Chicken & rice, sweet Willy chili, smash burgers, chicken tikka masala, cheese steak sloppy joes, spaghetti, homemade pizza, salad bar, salmon soup and ham. Elliott--Ham, homemade pizza, smash burgers, cheese steak sloppy joes, breakfast for dinner, orange chicken, fried chicken, steak, mashed potatoes/baked potatoes and stir fry. Miles--White chili, homemade pizza, hot dog with ketchup, chicken and broccoli, stroganoff, eggs with tator tots and sausage, chicken alfredo and fried chicken.

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