Sunday, January 15, 2023

2023 :: week 2

January 8
Our new church schedule is awesome. We are in the 9-11am slot and are usually home and eating lunch by noon. The kids spent some time playing games and I enjoyed a luxurious afternoon nap. Lauren attended YW class for the first time and seemed to like it. 

January 9
Miles and Elliott love to read books at bedtime. Currently we are reading through Elliott's Who Would Win? collection, which doubled in size after he received three new 5 in 1 books for Christmas.

January 10
Tuesday morning Will and I drove down the Broadway Clinic for Will's annual eye exam. His eyes are doing well and the doctor made only minor adjustments to his prescription. We went to the same exam room we first went to back in 2013 when Will had his first eye exam. Afterwards we stopped and picked up breakfast before I dropped him off at school. 

January 11
A highlight of Miles' week is when both Gabriel and Hudson are able to play at the park. Because Daphne has gymnastics twice a week and Hudson's mom works 3 days there is only ONE day that all three boys are able to play together and Miles looks forward to it all week. 
January 12
Will is playing in the instructional basketball league at Indian Woods. Their practices are Tuesday and Thursday after school. Thursday also happens to be the day Will and Lauren have piano lessons, Elliott has basketball practice and (once a month) I have book club. Thursdays have become the busiest evening of our week! With the kids going different directions between 5 and 7pm we had to make a list of all the rides that were needed and then assigned a parent/driver to each leg. 

January 13
When Will enrolled in classes he chose to take the advanced science class. The major difference between the general and advanced class is the science fair project. Will has spent the past few months working on this project and he turned it in this week. For his project he studied how shoes affect a person's speed. He learned that the heavier the shoe the slower the time. I am grossly oversimplifying the project, but that is the gist. We were pleased with Will for keeping on top of the project and doing the work with little help. 

January 14
Elliott played in his first basketball game of the season Saturday. He is playing with his buddy Cole in the Upward League. His team is called the Wolfpack, comprised of first and second graders. The boys were almost as excited about the concession stands as they were the game. I had totally forgotten to bring cash and Will bailed me out and shared an airhead with Miles. Lauren didn't go to the game. She spent the first part of the day at the church practicing for the stake youth choir. In the evening she went to her friend Taylor's birthday party at Urban Air. 

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