November 13 |
Anthony and I taught our youth class Sunday afternoon. Anthony talked about embracing the culture where you serve and we brought some Finnish treats to share. He saw a funny Finnish ad on facebook that alluded to Mormon missionaries, only it was Finnish missionaries in Texas proselyting about universal healthcare and education.
I am grateful for the youth that come to our class, they have a positive vibe about them.
November 14 |
Miles and I were sitting on the couch watching Curious George Monday afternoon. He started talking about a cat, which confused me until I realized he was talking about the Mansingh's cat sunning on our back porch. Miles went outside and had a lot of fun playing with Emma for about half and hour.
I am grateful for our deck. It is a safe place for our kids to play outside when it is cold and I can easily keep an eye on them from the warmth of the TV room.
November 15 |
For the past fifteen years travel has been a big part of my dad's job. Covid times made his travel more rare, but it picked back up starting in early 2022. After Mom's stroke he put most of his travel on hold, but he now has to make up for lost time. While he travels my sisters and I help take care of my mom, along with paid caretakers. When I spend the night with my mom I try to get dinner prepped ahead of time. This week my dad was gone Sunday through Tuesday, and we ate dinner with my mom and then I spent the night on Sunday and Tuesday.
I am grateful that my sisters and I are able to work as a team to help our parents during this unexpected season of life.
November 16 |
Elliott and his buddies Cole and Ian did jumping jacks to stay warm at the park. I was ready to head straight home after school, but was willing to stay for a bit so they boys could get their wiggles out.
I am grateful for Elliott's enthusiasm. When he is happy he is happy and he genuinely loves to be with his buddies. (The only thing he does half way is his chores).
November 17 |
Thursday evening we went to a Family Fun Night at Miles' school. The teachers and staff set up stations around the school where students and their families could enjoy various literacy related activities. Will, Lauren and Elliott have all been peer models, so they enjoyed getting to reconnect with their preschool teachers and aides. We saw Will's teacher Miss Lindsey, Elliott's teacher Miss Amanda as well as the SLP Miss Helen who has worked with all our kids over the years. Lauren's teachers both were only at SMECEC for one year each, but there were several people who remembered her too.
I am grateful for the peer modeling program. All four of our children have spent their preschool years in this program and they are better for it. The teachers and staff are so inclusive and warm. It has also saved our family thousands of dollars.
November 18 |
Will went on his first true winter campout Friday night. I was a bit worried because he didn't seem to be as concerned as I thought he should be about the overnight low of 16 degrees. He took several handwarmers and wore about four layers, but he was the only one there that wasn't wearing boots. The boys went exploring and Will fell off the side "of a cliff" (his words) and "luckily into a tree." Around 4am several of the boys were awake and cold so the leaders rebuilt the fire. Despite his fall and the cold, Will had a great time and would "definitely do it again."
I am grateful for the adult leaders in our ward who facilitate winter campouts. That is something I would never do, so the only way my kids get to experience that is through the sacrifice of others.
November 19 |
Anthony replaced the battery in our van Saturday afternoon. It was freezing so he was willing to work in the tiny space between where we park and our garage fridge. We kept ourselves warm watching BYU football and basketball games, playing Settlers of Catan, watching Disenchanted and raking leaves.
I'm grateful for youtube tutorials that allow car novices like us to successfully replace car batteries by ourselves.
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