Sunday, November 13, 2022

2022 :: week 45

November 6

Tyler has gotten into "cubing" and he spent time Sunday night helping Elliott learn how to solve one. Elliott's not there yet--but he did have a lot of fun. 

Today I am grateful that I was only substituting when I taught Sunday School. I enjoyed taking a short nap after church. 

November 7
Miles and I went to Costco after preschool on Monday. We lucked out and got some pretty good samples. Miles often asks if we can go to Costco when I pick him up from school. I enjoy the one-on-one time I get with him. Miles is turning into such a "kid."

Today I am grateful for the $4.99 Costco rotisserie chickens. I can buy one and use the meat in three meals.

November 8
Miles and I made banana bread on Tuesday. Once again I overbought bananas. I felt very domestic when I was able to serve the kids and their friends fresh banana bread after school. 

Today I am grateful for the many machines I have that make my life easier. Electric mixer, dishwasher, washer and dryer, microwave, robot vacuum, etc.

November 9
Lauren had full choir day Wednesday. During the school day the choir kids from the south area elementary schools went to SMS to rehearse for their first choir concert. Each elementary school is wearing a different t-shirt and sang  "Yonder Come Day," and "Light One Candle," at the concert. The final number, "America the Beautiful," was combined with the middle and high school choirs. 

Today I am grateful for music and how it makes me feel. I am grateful that my husband and children love music and that they fill our home with music on a daily basis.

November 10
Thursday we made Thankful Turkeys to mail to Aunt Melanie. Every year she likes to make a "Thankful Turkey Farm" with hand-turkeys from friends and family. 

Today I am thankful for traditions. Traditions help me feel connected to my loved ones. At the holidays and other special occasions traditions give me things to anticipate.

November 11
Lauren got to go on her first field trip since 2nd grade Friday and it was worth the wait. The 5th graders got to tour Arrowhead Stadium. Only a few parents got to go--there was a lottery--but the ones that did sent pictures. Lauren had a fun time, but felt like her tour guide spent too much time talking about the art work and not enough time spilling the tea about the Chiefs players. Lauren thought it was hilarious that Travis Kelce has an extra large locker to accommodate the large flashy coats he likes to wear before and after games. 

Today I am grateful for my warm house. In the evening we watched The Santa Clause 2 and were cozy together. 

November 12
Saturday was very cold. We had planned to take family pictures in the afternoon, but it was overcast and windy so we rescheduled. Lauren had a soccer game in the afternoon--thankfully it was indoor! Despite the cold Will and Knox practiced pickleball at the tennis courts for a few hours in preparation for the Indian Woods pickleball tournament next Thursday. With our extra time we did a deeper clean of the kids bedrooms--stripping the sheets, vacuuming and dusting. In the evening we watched Tyler and Mikey while Matt and Emily went out to dinner to celebrate their anniversary. I made two Finnish Blueberry Pies for temple prep class. 

Today I am grateful for that we live close to my family. It wasn't something I expected or even planned to do, but it is a great blessing to raise my children close to my parents and two of my sisters and their families.

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