Sunday, November 27, 2022

2022 :: week 47

November 20
We had a pretty nice Sunday. Anthony and I spoke in the Chapel Hill ward, then we attended our ward afterwards. I felt the spirit pretty strongly a few times. In the afternoon Anthony played Settlers of Catan with Will and Lauren. At dinner Sunday evening Memaw is surrounded by the grandkids. 

November 21
John Family Staycations 2022! We switched things up a bit this year and stayed at the Westin Crown Center. We started off the staycation by having Emily take our family pictures at the Nelson Atkin Museum. Then we checked into the Westin, walked across the street and rode the streetcar to the City Market where we ate a delicious dinner at Pigwich. After dinner we went back to our hotel and swam in the indoor/outdoor pool. It is mostly an outdoor pool with a tiny hot-tub sized amount of water indoors that connects to a tunnel you swim through to get to the big outdoor pool.  It was a little exhilarating swimming outside in the cold, but mostly it was just really cold. The kids had better stamina than the adults. We all spent a little time in the hot tub, and Anthony took Will to the weight room. That night we didn't sleep as well as we hoped, but did survive the night.

November 22
We started our day by checking out the Giving Machines at Crown Center. The kids always enjoy climbing on the wooden holiday decorations around the Mayor's Christmas Tree too. We stopped and picked up McDonald's for breakfast before heading to the zoo. We had a great zoo day! We had several fun animal encounters and rode the sky safari and carousel. When we left the zoo we were all feeling tired. We picked up McAllister's for dinner and headed home.

November 23
Laura asked me to make another cross-stitch for Trevor for Christmas. I spent several hours working on it this week. I wish I had more time to just create, I find it very fulfilling. 

November 24
We always have so much to be grateful for on Thanksgiving. This year we all felt extra grateful for Memaw, that she is still with us and that she continues to improve. In the morning Will and Tony played flag football at SMW with friends from church. In the afternoon I made rolls and TJ made his traditional sweet potato crumble. We ate Thanksgiving dinner at my parents home with my parents, the Allreds, Wilsons and Dana. Jill brought several delicious pies. We had a great day!

November 25
The kids spent several hours Friday hanging out with the Sutherlins. Now that Covid is over, the kids have gotten older and the Sutherlins are able to ride their bikes farther away from home the kids aren't spending as much time together. Will and Curran played on the switch for awhile while Elliott and Bennett alternated between watching the older boys and jumping on the trampoline. Lauren and Henleigh played outside and crafted.

November 26
Saturday morning my dad came over to help us put up Christmas lights. He is so nice to help us look festive each year. That afternoon we had a birthday party for Lauren at the Lenexa Rec Center pool. I was in the water with a very clingy Miles most of the time so I didn't take any group pictures.

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