October 18
Anthony and I have been taking turns reading Ramona Quimby, Age 8 with Lauren before bed. At first we took turns reading every other page, but now the parents usually read while Lauren works on her "cross stitch." She calls it cross stitch but it is really embroidery. She likes to free-style and draw pictures on felt, than fill in the pictures with embroidery floss. It is a fun, cozy way to end the day.
For the second week in a row Lauren and Will got to attend class in person on Monday and Tuesday. Because they had early morning dental appointments last week on Tuesday it is October 19th and only the second time they have walked to school this year. Crazy! They walk up with the neighbors across the street. They are fine to walk on their own, but I like to walk with them because it helps wake me and sometimes they talk to me about stuff they are too distracted to bring up after school.
I am starting to run a few errands with the little guys while the big kids are at school. We had to stop by Hy-Vee to pick up some prescriptions and a few other items to prepare for Lauren's birthday. The car cart the boys got to ride in blew Miles' mind!
October 21
Lauren is 9 and boy do we love her! She is full of life and purpose and is a lot of fun. Wednesday afternoon was her final soccer practice of the season. It was the annual family vs. team game and the entire John family had a great time. Miles road around the field on Anthony's shoulder and Elliott and Will got in on the action--Will even scored a goal! During half time at the game Coach Luke led the team in a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday!" After practice we celebrated with a yummy dinner of chicken tikka masala and Lamar's doughnuts. It was a great day celebrating our #1 girl. I posted this about her on social media: Lauren lives a purposeful life and is often organizing and planning activities for her brothers and friends. She is thoughtful, quick-witted and smart. She is sensitive to the needs of those around her and quick to help. I have loved being Lauren’s mom at every age. It feels a little bittersweet to say goodbye to 8-year-old Lauren, but I’m looking forward to all the fun we will have with her while she’s nine.
October 22
Friday was a bit of a blah day. I woke up with a headache, most likely due to the cold--hot--cold temperature fluctuation. I hadn't slept well so I felt drowsy all day. I got behind on my to-do list and just struggled to accomplish much all day. Anthony asked me to speak in church on Sunday, so I worked a bit on my talk, but every time I turned around Miles was getting into something. His new "trick" is that he likes to climb on our table and get into the greenhouse.
Will had his final baseball game of the season Saturday. He pitched great and his team won! According to Anthony he pitched a complete game (3 innings) in 39 degrees, 6 K's and only walked one batter with no earned runs. The final score was 7-3. Letting the kids play sports this fall was a bit of a gamble, but it seems to have worked out. And both kids had a great time playing with their friends again.
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