October 25
We got together for dinner at my parents house Sunday evening. Memaw has been home for the hospital since Thursday and looking SO MUCH better than she was last week when she went in. It was the first time the kids had really seen in her in about a month. She was diagnosed with peritonitis (inflammation of the membrane that lines the inner abdominal wall and covers the organs within the abdomen) that was the result of the pancreatitis she had in July. Among other problems it caused her to become severely anemic (hemoglobin level of 4 when she entered the hospital) to the point where she couldn't walk across the room without stopping to rest. It's amazing what a few days in the hospital, blood transfusion and antibiotics can do!
October 26
We received our first snowfall of the season Monday. I had Elliott wear his boots to school, even though most of the snow did not stick--it was still cold! Miles mixed prints when we walked to the park for pickup. He was so intrigued by the falling snow. It is always good to stop and look at things through a child's eyes. While I was thinking was a nuisance the snow was, Miles was in awe of the pretty white flecks falling gently from the sky.
October 27
Elliott has been such a great helper. After he turned five we added a few new responsibilities to his chore list, including vacuuming the lint and crumbs that accumulate in our new couch. He has really taken to these new jobs and does them with minimal pushback.
October 28
The highlight of my week was Wednesday evening when Will and I finished reading the Book of Mormon together. We started reading together at the end of January after Will's primary teachers challenged the class to read the entire book this year and highlight every time we read the name of Christ. We read most evening for 10-15 minutes before he went to bed. We enjoyed the time we spent together reading scripture so much we started reading the New Testament together the next day. Will is such a great kid, Anthony and I often talk about how grateful we are to have him as our oldest child.
October 29
I couldn't find the big kids after I put Miles to bed Thursday night, and was pleasantly surprised to find all three of them together on Will's bed. Though we've all needed a break from each other a time or two, the kids are better friends than they were before the COVID-19 shut-downs and I am very grateful for that.
October 30
The Allred's hosted a family Halloween party Friday night at it was great fun. We were encouraged to come in costume and this year our costumes are as follows: Anthony and Carrie--skeletons, Will--Jayson Tatum, Lauren--Hermionie Granger, Elliott--Pikachu, and Miles--frog. The Allreds made a three course spooky dinner menu and then we played games and decorated cookies. It was a fun night!
October 31
Lauren had her final soccer game of the year Saturday morning. Her team lost, but they grew so much this season! Especially after missing their spring season and making adaptations to COVID-19. Lauren worked hard and was a lot more assertive this season. Go Pink Thunder!
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