Sunday, November 29, 2020

2020 :: week 48


November 22

Will gave his first talk in Sacrament meeting on Sunday. Perk or disadvantage of being the bishop's kid? Either way, he did a great job talking about gratitude. It lined up nicely because we learned about gratitude in Come Follow Me. Will used the story of the Jaredites wept they were so grateful to arrive safely in the promised land. He also talked about President Nelson's challenge to express gratitude even when times are hard. Will told a story about feeling jealous when his friend got new Pokemon cards, but then he realized that being jealous of what other people have prevents him from being grateful for and enjoying what he has. I thought he did a great job and that he shared good thoughts going into the week of Thanksgiving. One thing that made his talk extra fun was that because we have a zoom link for Sacrament meeting he had family members in Oregon, Florida and Utah watch.

November 23

COVID-19 has taken many things from us, but thankfully not our Santa picture! To be honest, I had forgotten all about a Santa picture, but I saw an ad for the Santa's Wonderland at Bass Pro and how they were taking steps to minimize risk, so I signed up for a slot and we were in and out in about 10 minutes. We could have been out faster if the Miles hadn't been so fascinated with the giant aquarium full of fish. There was a plexiglass wall between Santa and the kids, and Santa was also wearing a face shield. The kids were wearing masks as well, which you can see around their necks. I had them briefly pull them down for the picture. 

November 24

Tuesday evening we ran a few errands and picked up a Chick-fil-A peppermint milk shake. I love these things! It had been cold, wet and gray all day. My head hurt and my mouth was a little sore from getting a cavity filled the day before. The shake was just the pick-me-up I needed.

November 25

A little over a month ago Anthony and I started taking walks after dinner. Originally our goal was to get a little exercise in the evening to help me sleep better because I was having a bout of insomnia. Because it is has gotten so dark after dinner I made Anthony come with me because I didn't want to be alone. We both have enjoyed our walks so much we have continued them even though my insomnia is doing better. I look forward to this one on one time with Anthony without any other distractions. It is great having kids old enough to be left alone for a short amounts of time. These evening walks are also a tender mercy of COVID because in the past we have been too busy with various meetings, practices and games to have time for an evening walk together.
November 26 

Our Thanksgiving didn't look too different than it has in previous years, which is more indicative that we don't do anything terribly fancy than anything else. We watched the Thanksgiving Day parade and Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special, cooked, went for a walk and chatted with extended family on zoom. We have so much to be grateful for this year--a good job for Anthony, good health for all of us and our loved ones, a safe and comfortable home, good neighbors who buoy up our spirits, etc., etc.

November 27

I spent several hours painting our new doors on Friday. Stevie brought them by a few weeks ago and I hadn't been able to carve out the time or space to paint them. I enjoy small scale projects like this that take a minimal amount of work but look so much nicer when done. We replaced three of the doors on our first floor--coat closet, half bath and master bedroom. We were planning on replacing the laundry room door as well, but we either measured it incorrectly or the company sent the wrong size because it didn't fit when we tried to hang it. Luckily it was the correct size for an upstairs bedroom, so we replaced the door to Miles' room instead. 

November 28
Saturday was game day. When I was organizing in the storage room I came across several games we hadn't played in months, including previous favorites Dominion, Clue Jr., and Ticket to Ride Jr. We took turns choosing games. We also played some UNO and Sleeping Queens.

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