Sunday, November 15, 2020

2020 :: week 46


November 8

Elliott is one of a kind. Somehow he managed to fall while playing tag and land head first on top of a pumpkin stem?!? He cut his forehead and it has since turned into a nice scar. Anthony has been calling him "the boy who lived" because when he first got hurt he didn't even cry until I asked him why he was bleeding. As soon as he realized their was blood on his face he started to scream bloody murder. Anthony and "the boy who lived" played a few rounds of Book of Mormon memory Sunday afternoon.

November 9

I see this face many times a day. It is Elliott asking me if he can have "just one--one!--tiny piece of candy." Usually I tell him no and then he launched into a diatribe about how I hate candy or that I think one piece is a ton or that I think you will get cavities from just one little piece. Later in the week I stopped getting asked this question because he lost all candy privileges. For two days in a row after I let him pick a piece at snack time he refused to eat dinner. 

November 10

I often say that Miles thinks he is 10 years old. The latest reason I say that is because he is trying to walk down the stairs. It is very difficult for him and takes him a long time because his legs are literally not long enough to walk down the stairs in this fashion. He has to get his foot to the the very edge of the step, carefully put his foot down, then scoot on his bum and very carefully lower the second foot on the the step. It takes a long time, is very dangerous and stresses me out. But he is so proud of himself it is hard to get too mad. 

November 11

I had a really bad headache throughout the week, but after a long day of feeling lousy I felt mostly better Wednesday evening and read Ramona to Lauren and Will before bed. Lauren was busy making bracelets and Will built with Legos while I read. I really enjoy reading with my kids but with how busy life has been it is hard to fit in as much as I would have liked. Especially during the years when Anthony was often traveling or away at meetings it was hard to get all four kids ready for bed and to give them the attention they needed AND have enough energy to read chapter books with them. This week we finished Ramona Quimby Age 8 and started Ramona and Beezus. (Lauren received a boxed set of Ramona books for her birthday).

November 12

I know I have been talking a lot about Lauren's love of reading lately, but it is a major part of our lives right now. I snapped this picture of her reading as she walked down the hill after school. I had called out her name a few times and she was so distracted by her book she didn't hear me. I had parent teacher conferences with both Will and Lauren's teachers this week and they both spoke so highly of them, it made me feel so proud. Lauren's teacher had her fill out a self evaluation and in response to the question "What is difficult for you in school?" Lauren wrote, "Not always, but sometimes when I'm reading a really good book that's all I can think about."

November 13

We decided to kick off the Christmas season a little early this year and watched Home Alone 2 Friday night. As our family has gotten older we have a longer list of movies we want to watch and it is too much if we try to squeeze them all in after Thanksgiving. It was such a fun, cozy evening! 

November 14

The theme of the day was leaves. We raked, mulched and cleaned out the gutters...and 24 hours later you can hardly tell we did anything. Such is life in Oak Park Homes from October through March.

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