October 4
We went on a pre-Conference walk along Indian Creek with the Wilsons and Wally Sunday morning. The weather was perfect, absolutely perfect. We were able to stop and skip rocks in the creek and enjoy the crisp air for about an hour. It felt great getting out and getting some movement in before we sat and watched four hours of conference. The biggest nuisance was Miles thinking that he is a big kid and trying to walk straight into the water. Conference was nice too. I especially enjoyed the talks given by Elders Renlund and Holland Sunday afternoon.
Elliott's new preschool has a carline drop-off. When we get in the carline I put the car in park and unbuckle Elliott so he can sit in the front seat and wait to get his temperature taken. He loves having access the the radio station and pushes the buttons in hopes of finding "Savage Love" or "Blinding Lights." He is really enjoying being in Ms. Tracy's class this year and it is so rewarding seeing how much he has matured. I really appreciate how much closer this school is too. Last year I was spending so much time driving back and forth. I am spending about a third of the time in the car that I was last year.
The highlight of my Tuesday was watching my good friend and college roommate Candace give the BYU devotional. I was filled with friend-pride as I listened to her speak.
The Allred's moved in to their new home in Olathe on Wednesday evening! This spring, in response to COVID-19, Jake began to work remotely. At the time Jill and Jake were looking to buy a house in the Salt Lake area. When his work told him he could continue to do his job completely from home they decided to expand their housing search to include the Kansas City area. We are excited to have them here for however long they decide to stay.
My friend Sara is in charge of compiling the yearbook and she sent out a request for photos of kids "doing recess at home." Will often comes downstairs and shoots hoops in our family room during his recesses and "brain breaks." This was the kids' fifth week of remote learning. Next week they will move to hybrid, attending in person on Monday and Tuesday and working at home the rest of the week. I am excited for them, but it is going to strange having them gone after spending the past seven months together.
Miles and I had a much happier week together. I noticed that his left bottom canine cut through, so I am assuming that helped. I also set aside time each day to specifically do things with him. He loves being outside and playing on the school playground. Anthony and the older kids walked up to the playground after dinner to play kickball on the blacktop. After I finished watering the grass Miles and I walked up too. Miles especially seems to enjoy the adaptive playground. He still isn't talking, but is very effective at communicating how much he likes to swing. Baby giggles will forever be one of my favorite sounds.
I know this won't look like much to most people, but to me it looks like hours of work finally paying off. Because we don't have a sprinkler system I have spent a lot of time over the past two weeks watering our yard. I was feeling really discouraged at the end of last week because my hours of watering hadn't seemed to yield any results. Apparently when experts tell you it takes a week or two to see any results, it actually takes a week or two to see any results. Our leaves are starting to fall, so every few days Anthony and I use the leaf blower to blow the leaves off the grass and onto the pavement where we then scoop them off. We are going to great lengths to protect our baby grass.
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