Sunday, October 4, 2020

2020 :: week 40


September 27

Elliott had a zoom call with his primary class Sunday afternoon. I was a bit doubtful about how well it would go, but he loved it! It wasn't long, less than 10 minutes. The kids took turns introducing themselves (a new boy moved in to our ward last month), sharing their favorite primary song and animal. Then they talked about the wise man and the foolish man, sang that song and waved goodbye.

September 28

I spent A LOT of time working on our yard Monday. We hired someone to aerate, verticut and seed our yard and he came Monday morning to do those things. I forgot to buy the seed ahead of time, so I made a quick drive to grass pad to buy a 50 lb. bag. We still have a few patchy areas (and leaving a pool up all summer certainly didn't help!), but our yard is looking so much better than it did a year ago in the fall. We don't have a sprinkler system, so my dad helped us set up three post sprinklers next to our fences. Between the three we are able to hit most of our yard. I set a timer and then go outside and move the hose to next sprinkler. The noise the sprinklers make reminds me of visiting Bennington, ID, in the summertime. 

September 29

Miles has started climbing and now nothing is safe. He climbed on our kitchen bench and pulled down this huge box of Honey Bunches of Oats. Thankfully he didn't spill much because it was a brand new box. 

September 30

Now that the big kids are busy in their rooms much of the day doing school work and Elliott is at preschool Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings Miles and I are getting a lot of one on one time. It has been a bit challenging for me. The time when Elliott is gone is also the best time for me to run errands and get stuff done. I feel best about myself when I accomplish things and cross-things off my to-do list. Miles is often right behind me making messes or destroying work I have just done. He likes Daniel Tiger so I will sometimes turn that on to distract him, but he really only likes the music so it's not very effective. I am learning to put value on sitting and spending time with my kids. You would think with four kids I would have figured this out before now, but I guess I am a slow learner. 

October 1

During her free time during school Thursday Lauren created a John family Jeopardy Game. Categories included "family," "crazy times," "math," and "do something." The big kids and I played after I put Miles to bed and while Anthony went to his first in-person church leadership meeting since March. Will was annoyed when Elliott and I found two "free point" tiles in a row and he got "lose a turn." Lauren likes to play by her own rules. The highlight of the day was that my baby sister Laura had a baby herself! Hannah Joan Moana Tom was born in the early afternoon after a long and painful pregnancy for Laura. 

October 2

We had pizza and cake with my dad Friday night to celebrate his birthday a night early. Early Saturday morning Anthony drove my dad to the airport so he could help Jill and Jake with their move. My dad is a good man. He is a hard worker and is happiest when he is helping his family. He is strong, loves to laugh and is a great problem solver. My mom is sick so she did not get to celebrate with us. She has had a rough summer. After a botched endoscopy this summer she seemed to be on the up and up, however she has had a fever everyday for the past two weeks! She tested negative for COVID last week, but is waiting on the results from bloodwork taken later in the week and will most likely take another COVID test next week.

October 3

Lauren played her best game of soccer Saturday. It is fun watching the girls play as their comprehension of the game and skills have really progressed this season. Lauren again came *this close* to scoring, but the goalie got to the ball just in time. She is playing more assertively and proactively. I love watching her play and witnessing her hard work pay off. 

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