Sunday, September 27, 2020

2020 :: week 39


September 20

Sunday morning we took a family walk around the neighborhood. We have had some fabulous fall weather the past two weeks. However the temperatures were going to rise as we got into the week, so we wanted to take advantage while we could. Anthony said he would carry Miles if he got too slow, but we let him walk by himself for longer than we ever have on a walk. It was...slow. But we had plenty of time and he was very pleased with himself. We have entered the phase of parenting with him where we need to start letting him do more things himself, even though it is so much easier to do them ourselves.

September 21

Elliott had his first day of preschool Monday morning. We weren't sure if it was going to happen or not, but it is and he is loving it. I was very apprehensive because he had a lot of anxiety about preschool last year and at times it did not go well. In a lot of ways it was a relief when school was cancelled due to COVID in the spring. Elliott has clearly grown up a lot in the last six months because even though I could tell he was a bit nervous, he walked into school without looking back and had a great day.

September 22

Will and Lauren have been absolutely fantastic with participating and getting their school work done. I feel very spoiled. When I talk to some of my friends about how things are going with their families I hear a lot of frustration about keeping kids on task and engaged. No thanks to me both of my kids have been great about staying on task and being engaged in their virtual classrooms. I was wanting the kids to do their work in the dining room, but it was too distracting for them. I have tried to order them desks from IKEA, but they have been on backorder since July. They are good sports and making do. I also like these peeks into their bedrooms. They did most of the decorating themselves and each room reflects the occupants' personality very well.

September 23

The baseball bug is spreading. Miles now picks up bats, swings them and tries to get people to pitch to him. Are we going to be a house with FOUR baseball obsessed boys?

September 24

Lauren's current favorite book series is the Baby-Sitters Club Little Sister. The books are told from the point of view of 7 year old Karen, who is the younger step-sister of Kristy from the original BSC. Lucky for Lauren, my parents have about forty of the books from when my sisters were younger and enjoyed reading those books as well. Between her reading time during school and reading with me in the evenings before bed, she is averaging a book a day!

September 25

It was a rough week with Mr. Miles. I don't think he felt well. If I had to guess I would place the blame on his puffy gums and the four canine teeth that have yet to poke through. Whatever the cause, he was unpleasant and unhappy with me all week, especially Friday . He has started "retaliating" at me when I upset him or stop him from doing something, by messing up whatever he can get his hands on. He's not above emptying draws, pulling magnets off the fridge, emptying wipe containers or throwing toys in anger.

September 26

We spent the better part of the day taking our pool down Saturday. It was amazing to see the warped plywood. It warped very quickly after we set the pool up, so we felt like every day it didn't collapse was a gift. Turns out it was strong enough to last four entire months! I hope the pools open up again next year and we don't have to use this again, but the pool served us well this year and I am grateful we had it.

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