September 13
Will and Lauren are working on perfecting their cookie making skills. They needed minimal help and I was pretty impressed with the cookies they made I love seeing what my kids are capable of as they try new things. Also, I am excited to not be the only cookie-maker in the house.
September 14
Miles has turned into a real nuisance. It has gotten worse since the older kids started school. I didn't realize how much time Lauren spent playing with him until she spent the day in her room doing schoolwork. Sometimes Miles will climb upstairs, stand outside her door and hit at it while yelling. It is sad and also very sweet. Nowadays he is always underfoot. On Monday he kept boxing me out when I was trying to move the laundry from the washer to the dryer.
September 15
Lauren and Will both spend most of the school day up in their rooms. The open floor plan of our house makes it hard for our older kids to concentrate. Lauren comes down during her science block to work on the gummy bear science experiment. They put a gummy bear in cups with water, vinegar, water & salt, and water & baking soda and then observed the changes over the course of the week.
September 16
Will, Lauren and Elliott got their teeth cleaned Wednesday morning. We started using a new pediatric dentist this year and the kids really like the office. Previously we took the kids to the same dentist Anthony and I used, but he retired and we decided to find a new dentist for the kids.
All of the sudden Miles started eating with a utensils! I stopped giving them to him because he would just throw them on the floor, creating a big mess. Even if he didn't throw them down, he seemed to prefer feeding himself with his hands. This week he wanted yogurt and I decided to let him try the spoon again. He quickly fed himself with little mess. I have given him a spoon or fork and every meal since and had no problems.
Lots of mom and Miles time this week. Miles decided to empty out my bathroom cupboards while I was drying my hair Friday morning. Miles LOVES to dump things out. As annoying as it is, it is forcing me to be creative and get rid of all stuff that isn't absolutely necessary. Miles' annoying behaviors are helping me become the minimalist I dream of becoming.
September 19
We went to the Louisburg Cider Mill Saturday morning. We weren't sure how it would go, but things were spaced out and we were able to keep distanced. The cider and doughnuts were delicious, as usual. I wanted to recreate a photo of the kids we took in the corn crib last year, but Miles was in a terrible mood and would not cooperate despite my pleadings.
1 comment:
Oh Miles. He's pretty cute, but I'm sorry he's a bit of a nuisance. That made me think of the Ramona books. Doesn't she describe her baby sibling as a nuisance?
I want Will and Lauren to come make me some cookies! I'm currently the only one in our house that does that. Although I think there are probably a couple of us capable ;)
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