October 11
Every other week our relief society hosts a zoom lesson. At first I wondered why they only did it every other week and then it donned on me, relief society only meets every other week. It has been over three years since I got called to nursery and I forgot that things changed last year. Even though the lessons aren't quite as good as in person lessons, I enjoy seeing the faces of my ward members and hearing their thoughts and insights.
Exactly seven months to the day Will and Lauren returned to the classroom! Their last day of school before spring break was March 12. For the next two weeks the kids are on a hybrid schedule. The students are divided into two groups, based on their last names. The John kids will be attending school in person on Monday and Tuesday (along with other students with last names A-L) and then will be home Wednesday and Thursday, while and students with last names that start with M-Z attend in person. On Friday everyone is remote. They will be on this schedule for two weeks, then are scheduled to go fully in-person everyday starting October 26th.
October 13
Miles is such a determined little guy. He loves "brushing his teeth" AKA chewing on whatever toothbrush he can get his mouth on and squeezing and sucking on tubes of toothpaste. Multiple times throughout the week when he found the bathroom door had been left opened he seized the opportunity and found a toothbrush and the toothpaste and helped himself.
October 14
Matching baseball brothers at breakfast. Will and Lauren were back at home for school Wednesday through Friday.
Emily took our family pictures at Shawnee Mission Park Thursday evening, and this picture I snapped on my cell phone has me very excited to see what she was able to do with her artistic eye and nice camera. The kids cooperated very well. Miles started off strong but he tripped on the tall grass and never really recovered. We treated ourselves to Chick-fil-A for dinner afterwards.
October 16
October 16
Friday morning I panicked because I couldn't find Miles. During the day I keep most of the doors closed to limit where he is able to go. I can't even remember what I was working on when all of the sudden I realized I couldn't hear Miles playing anymore. I checked all around our main floor and then walked upstairs to his room. I couldn't see him and checked upstairs in his room--the only open door. I didn't see him at first, but then he grunted and I noticed him in the corner behind the shelf reading books while sitting on my old rocking chair. My grandpa made this chair and I remember playing with it when I was a child. I love seeing him using it now.
October 17
I have continued to spend a lot of time this week watering and keeping leaves off our yard. It has been surprisingly satisfying. I like to turn on an audiobook while I work and the time passes pretty quickly. It turns out that when you spend a lot of time working on your yard your yard looks nice. I have been shamelessly fishing for compliments from our friends and neighbors. Also, on the tree you can see Snowy, the white squirrel that lives in the oak tree in our front yard.
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