Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Will J :: End of 3rd grade interview

Who was your teacher? Ms. Shelton

What did you like about Ms. Shelton? She was nice and funny. She always had a video for every lesson we had. Ms. Shelton also liked using idioms, similies, metaphors, personification and exaggerations. 

What did you like about "specials?" Tell me something about each one. 
P.E is my favorite special because we get time to use energy, run and jog, get active minutes and steps for my watch and play fun games. I loved playing dodge ball and six-base kickball and a lot more. 
I liked music because we got to play music bingo, ukuleles and small instruments like the maracas and drums. I liked singing the songs and our music teacher (Mr. Klemm) was nice and really talented. "Colors of the Wind," "Digga Digga Dog," a french song and a lot of other songs were fun to sing.
Art was fun because we got to do fun paintings like a pumpkin patch and Picasso-inspired portraits of ourselves. We also got to paint corn, sleigh bells, and motion letters. We made clay cupcakes and also crafts with paper. My favorite time in art was a few times we got to have a free day where we played games like Spot It!, Go Fish!, Uno and used play doh and building blocks with connectors. 
Library was fun because our teacher would read aloud a book to us. She read Princess Cora and the Crocodile. We also had free day on our ipads where we could go on Code.org, scratch jr., and code with real robots that the library owns.

What did you do for lunch? I talked with my friends about sports and we made each other laugh by telling each other jokes and by playing a game of truth or dare. Sometimes the lunches were good and sometimes they had desserts. My favorite school lunches were corn dogs, cheeseburgers, chicken nuggets and popcorn chicken. The desserts I liked were chortles, chocolate cake, rice krispy treats, cookies, two big cinnamon graham crackers and around President's Day there were mini cookies with the President's name on them and the times they were presidents. Sometimes on days that I brought my lunch I would buy milk so I could sit by my friends that were buying lunch. I liked sitting by Knox, Porter, Morgan, Cole, Tripp and Evelyn. When I brought lunch I would usually bring an orange, granola bar, grapes, squeezy apple sauce, pb&j, and for dessert andes mints or fruit by the foot, home made cookies or candies.

Who were your best buddies? Knox, Tripp, Porter, Morgan, Coleman, Evelyn, Daniel, Liam, sometimes Eli. I liked to talk about sports with Tripp, Morgan, Porter, and Knox. We talked about the NFL, NBA and MLB. Everybody was fans of the KC teams except Morgan, who liked the Brewers, Bucks and Packers. 

What was your favorite subject? PE and Math. In math I am the best at sprints (sprints are timed tests with multiples of 3 through 9). I like doing fractions and multiplication and division, shapes--with angels and parallels (geometry), and problem sets. Problem sets are word math problems. I loved playing prodigy on my ipad and at home on my mom's phone.

What were some books you read this year?
Some of my favorite books that I checked out were Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Amulet (Books 1 &3), Humphry, The Notebook of Doom, Bad Kitty and Captain Underpants. Ms. Shelton read Charlotte's Web, Humphry and Double Fudge. I did chat and chew for the first time this year and my favorite book there was The Boxcar Children.

What did you like to do at recess? Playing soccer with my friends was my favorite thing to do at recess. In the morning on the way to school I would check the field to see if we would be able to play, if the field had muddy puddles we had to play on the blacktop. If we couldn't play soccer we would play kickball or basketball.

Tell me about your field trips?
My first field trip was a tour of Kauffman Stadium. We got to tour the dugout, the visitor's clubhouse, the Hall of Fame, the batting cages, the bullpen and the stairs that they walk in and out of the baseball games and an underground tunnel that helps them go from the stadium to their cars without people bugging them for autographs.

My second field trip was to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. We got to see their sculptures, history, paintings and more. We got to see the shuttlecocks outside and made animals out of clay. We did not have lunch there because there were too many people outside so we ate at the school in our classroom. It was only two of the three third grade classes because the museum could only have a certain number of kids.


What do you want to be when you grow up?
A professional athlete because I like sports and I wouldn't care if I played football, baseball, soccer or basketball because I love all of them.

What are you looking forward to doing this summer?
Going to the pool, going to Florida, going to Boston, visiting with cousins, playing with neighbors, it getting hotter and going to Royals games.

What will you remember most about THIRD GRADE?
My teacher Ms. Shelton and that my classmate Drake passed away at the end of October.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

2019 :: week 21

May 19
We ate dinner with my parents on Sunday evening, and I joined Elliott and my dad on the back porch after dinner for a little catch.
May 20
Elliott, Miles and I met my friend Tara at the Johnson County Museum for a few hours Monday afternoon. We've been trying to get together for months, but life has gotten in the way. The play space was not crowded at all and Elliott and Brecken had a great time going from station to station. I was relieved because it was so much easier to keep track of the boys. While the boys and I were out Anthony had a young man from our stake over for lunch. Eli was recently called on a mission to Finland and as the only person currently in our stake who has served in that mission, Tony felt great excitement and obligation to have him over to talk about Finland.

May 21
We have had so much rain lately. There is so much rain there is nowhere for the water to grow. We have been utilizing umbrellas on our walks to school in the morning and doing our best to avoid stepping on all the worms. Seriously, so many worms! More than I have ever seen in my life! They have been literally running down the hills and draining into the ditches on the sides of the road.

May 22
Despite heavy rain earlier in the day, Will's baseball game was not cancelled Tuesday evening. It ended up being a perfect night for baseball. Will got a hit every time he was up at bat, made a difficult running catch and had a few put-outs at first. It was his best game yet! It is fun to see his hard work paying off.
May 23
Thursday was the last day of school for the big kids. Lauren cried as she left school because she was going to miss her teacher. Will ran down the hill, excited for the freedom of summer. It was another great year at OPC.

May 24
We started the summer off with a playdate at the Diggins. Three of our four kids match up perfectly, age-wise. Will and Josh love music and sports and spent just as much time shooting hoops and kicking around a soccer ball as they did rocking out on the electric guitar (Josh) and keyboard (Will). Lauren and Gwen had fun playing in their yard, playing house and requesting snacks. Elliott and Ava had great fun playing in the clubhouse in their basement. It was a fun first day of summer. The first day of summer vacation was also memorable because that evening we went to Chick-fil-A for dinner and while we were there it started to storm. A few minutes later the power went out! We live close to the restaurant and the power was out at our house too. We let the kids all sleep in Elliott's room with flashlights because they were genuinely nervous.

May 25
I gave myself a day to myself for my birthday. As a nursing mom this was more complicated than I would have liked, but we made it work. I started the day by going to the 7:30am water aerobics class. I came home and fed Miles, then went to brunch at Rye with my friend and birthday twin Sarah. Again I came home and fed Miles before heading to the temple. I went to an endowment session for the first time in several months. I usually go to the temple during busy times and I quite enjoyed the less crowded 2pm session. After the temple I headed home to again, feed Miles. No wonder it feels like I am always feeding him--I am! That evening we met my parents and the Wilsons at Red Robin for my birthday dinner. I thought about going shopping after dinner, but instead decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood and relax at home. I think I am going to give myself a day "off" every year for my birthday from now on.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

2019 :: week 20

May 12
This year was my first Mother's Day as a mom of four. It is amazing how much life can change in a year! I sure am grateful for these four children I have been blessed to raise. Some days it is overwhelming, but almost every evening when I go and check on my sleeping kids before I head to bed I am overcome with how special each one of them is, and how much I love them.

May 13
I have been wanting to get our garden planted for the past few weeks, but we have been playing a waiting game with the weather. We need a few dry days so the mud slick that has in the past served as our garden can dry out enough for us to prepare the soil. Monday night my dad came over to help us turn up the soil. After working for awhile he came inside and shared some ice cream with us. While we ate he taught the kids about how nurturing our testimonies is like tending a garden.

May 14
Tuesday my dad came back to help us plant. We planted tomatoes, cucumber, zucchini, yellow squash and peppers. Fingers crossed for a good harvest this year. Last year was hot and dry and our plants were not very productive. I was also newly pregnant and did not invest as much energy in tending the garden as I have in previous years.

May 15
Several neighborhood boys play "Wall Ball" at the park after school. Will often plays with some of his friends. I don't totally understand the rules, but they seem to enjoy it. Lots of throwing the ball hard against the wall and running around and cheering. I don't care that much as long as they are having fun and playing outside. We have had nearly idyllic weather this spring. It is hard for me to get much done in the afternoon or evening because the kids want to be outside all the time. After such a isolating, cold winter, I am embracing it as much as I can.

May 16
Sometimes it is nice to catch a few quiet moments with Miles in the morning. Miles' has much less down time with just mom than the other kids did. He is pretty patient with me and I appreciate that. Thursday morning my friend Carrie and her youngest daughter Ava came over for a few hours. I had such a great time chatting with Carrie and catching up on what is happening in her life. And, as always, we only scratched the surface of things I would have liked to discuss.

May 17
On Friday morning my mom watched the little boys for me while I went to Mahaffie Farm with Lauren for her final field trip of the year. It was pretty hot, but I guess that makes it more authentic, right? Mahaffie Farm is a working farm, that is as true to 1860s life as possible. It was also a Stage Coach stop and this photo is of Lauren, her friend Lillian and me riding in a coach.

May 18
My college roommates and I have reconnected and started Marco Polo-ing each other and it is so much fun! I am loving catching up on more of the details of their lives. Technology is amazing.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

2019 :: week 19

May 5
Another Sunday, another pre-church picture of the kids. Our 10:30am start time makes both pre- and post-church pictures a bit tricky. The lighting is not very good and the kids do NOT like to stay in their church clothes all day, nor do they keep them particularly clean. Tony left straight from church for a flight to DC. Tony is often busy on Sundays, but for some reason Sunday night without him feels particularly rough.

May 6
This picture doesn't quite capture what was going on, but all these kids are in a semi-circle around Lauren. She started telling her friends a story and slowly more and more kids were drawn in. Lauren is in her element when she is leading a group.

May 7
I took Will to his annual eye exam and one of his eyes dilated more than the other. Luckily they both dilated enough to do the trick. Slight adjustments were made to his prescription, and we were able to order him some Rec Specs. He has wanted this type of glasses since basketball season, but I was not terribly excited about spending money on a new pair of glasses when he already has two pairs.

May 8
The water table has gotten really high this year. Every time it rains large puddle accumulate and it is taking longer and longer for the puddles to evaporate. Elliott LOVES the puddles. Short of restraining him, it is impossible to keep Elliott away. I decided to embrace it, and let him explore and get wet. I think he ended up taking baths three times this week immediately after we get home because he is so dirty. But if you can't get dirty exploring mud puddles when you are three, when can you? I love his imagination. In this picture he is "fishing."
May 9
The older kids are a great help with Miles in the evening when I am trying to get dinner pulled together. Thursday afternoon/evening was busy and Lauren held Miles for me while I made corn chowder. I found a great corn chowder recipe last month when I was trying to use up our Easter ham. Will had piano theory for an hour, and thankfully Anthony was able to pick him up on his way home from work. I went to a relief society activity that evening, then went to my friend Bethany's house for book club where we mostly chatted, but also discussed The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax.

May 10
The third graders have a unit where they learn about the history of Kansas City. In addition to classroom lectures, each kid is assigned a specific place (Will studied the Negro Leagues Museum) to research and prepare a power point to present to the class. At the end of the unit the kids spent the day exploring Kansas City. They drove all over, making stops at the Lewis & Clark Monument, City Market, the Liberty Memorial, the Plaza and Loose Park. The weather cooperated and they had a great time.

May 11
The John boys finally got haircuts on Saturday. Also, Will's new glasses arrived and while Will loves them I am getting used to them. They are extremely functional for him because he is so active. I just like the way his old glasses look a lot better.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

2019 :: week 18

April 28
The John men have some impressive bed head. Everyone took a mandatory Sunday afternoon nap, and when the boys got up they both walked into the room at the same time and their messy hair made me chuckle. They seem to have inherited the enviable body and thickness of Anthony's hair. Anthony did not get much of an afternoon nap because he got home too late. That evening we hosted the monthly BYD for the youth in our ward. Anthony talked about agency and our kids hovered around the table afterwards hoping to snag some extra dessert.

April 29

Life with a newborn. Early in the week Miles was very grumpy and cried for much of the evening hours, though by the end of the week he was back to his more calm ways. Anthony has been burning the candle at both ends lately--last week he did the security for early morning seminary so he had to get up at 4:45am each day. This week was the bishop's breakfast where he had to be at the church at 5am! On top of that he's been very busy with his job, going in early and working late to get some reports finished by the weekend. Plus his regular dad and bishop stuff.

April 30

Lauren threw up in the night on Monday, and had to stay home from school on Tuesday. She slept and watched Sofia the First for most of the day. I had planned on running several errands that day, so we had a change of plans and worked on stuff around the house. The worst part of Lauren feeling sick was that she couldn't be around Miles. Luckily it ran its course quickly and she was able to return to school Wednesday. She was not happy with me when I wouldn't let her cuddle with her brothers on the couch. When I took this picture of the boys Will said, "I knew as soon as I put my arm around Elliott that you would want a picture." He knows me well.

May 1

Will has been participating in Chat and Chew this year and Wednesday they discussed their last book of the year--Nasty, Stinky Sneakers. He enjoys reading, but is often distracted by sports and so it is nice to have books chosen for him. He said his favorite book they read this year was The Boxcar Children, followed by Nasty, Stinky Sneakers, then Punished, and last Gadget Wars.

May 2
Our azaleas are in full bloom! It's my favorite week of the year and our house never looks better than when they are out in their full glory. We were forecasted to have a fair amount of rain this week--and we did--but luckily it never rained hard enough to knock the flowers off the plant.

May 3
The kids had no school Friday and I had grand plans to take them to Crown Center, go to Kalediscope and visit the Wizard of Oz exhibit before it closes. Unfortunately, I woke up not feeling very well. I think I caught whatever Lauren had because I threw up and ran a fever for about 24 hours. Thankfully the neighbors were available and they played together quite well for hours.

May 4
Saturday evening we had a family movie night and watched Troop Beverly Hills. By the end of the movie it was just me, Anthony and Lauren watching. Will got bored and went to our front room to play wall ball (throwing the ball against the wall and then diving to catch wherever it lands) and Elliott passed out from exhaustion. The crazy three-year-old is waking up earlier by the day and refuses to sleep during his quiet time. He is having a hard time making it past 7pm most days. I took the day easy (which drove me crazy because I had a lot of things I wanted to do) and was feeling mostly back to normal by the end of the day.