March 3 |
It was a weird Sunday. It started snowing in the wee hours of the morning and making the roads pretty slick. Anthony went to his usual early Sunday meetings, so I assumed church would go ahead as normal, even though several area churches had cancelled services and the neighboring stake had cancelled all meetings the evening before. At around 9:45am we heard that all 10:30am meetings were cancelled and Sacrament meeting only would be held at all the buildings in our stake except ours. Our ward is the only building in our stake that meets in our building, the other two wards are in the neighboring stake that cancelled, so we went to the Stake Center. It was a good meeting. A funny moment was when the conducting bishop got up and asked if there was anyone who still needed to receive the sacrament and Elliott very loudly and enthusiastically said, "Yes!" even though the bread had been passed down our row. He's always interested in some extra bread. It was also fun to see friends from other wards. We visited with the Evans and Chases and met Elena's baby Gunnar for the first time.
March 4 |
On Monday morning I had my 40 week check-up. My doctor gave me the go-ahead to get induced that evening after confirming that the baby was head down and that I was dilated to a 1. She also confirmed that the feelings I was having all weekend were in fact contractions, which made me very happy. I have never really contracted or progressed on my own in my previous pregnancies so it made me feel like I'd finally "figured pregnancy out." I had to report to the hospital at 5pm so I could have the cervidil in place for the full twelve hours. My mom came over after school and took one last group picture of the John Family of five. It was a weird day. I had spent a lot of time over past week and weekend getting ready to go to the hospital, so there wasn't much to do. I was feeling all sorts of emotional and excited and nervous about our family's upcoming changes and wanted to do something to show the big kids I love them. I made creamy chicken and rice for dinner and chocolate chip cookies for dessert--two of their favorite things. It was a relatively uneventful night at the hospital. The bed was super uncomfortable, but it was designed for labor, not sleep, so that wasn't terribly surprising. Anthony and I watched several episodes of the Office, which distracted me and helped me not to feel too stressed.
March 5 |
After a long day with not a lot of action, Miles Douglas John was born at 3:54pm. When the daytime nurse checked me around 7am I had progressed from a 1 to a 2, but was about 50% effaced, so the cervidil proved useful. I was having somewhat regular contractions, but they started me on pitocin to get things going. As the morning went on the pain increased and I decided to get an epidural. All four epidurals have been slightly different. This time I continued to feel a lot of pressure, but no pain. Soon after I received the epidural the nurse checked my progress and I was close to a 5. Dr. Proverbs came and broke my water. Within an hour I progressed from a 5 to a 7. The nurse had me lay on my side and put a peanut ball between my legs. I was starting to feel a little impatient, but did as I was told. Anthony and I had been watching a Fixer Upper marathon on HGTV most of the day and it was over so we turned the TV to Jeopardy. Soon after I started to feel very uncomfortable. The nurse checked me and said it was time to call the doctor. She came within about fifteen minutes. Once she was there I only had to push about eight times in five minutes and then our little guy was born. My doctor had me stop so she could adjust her position because apparently Miles was "one big baby!" All of my babies have been average to slightly big so I wasn't expecting him to be THAT big, but it turns out he was 9 lbs. 14 oz. Again, this made me feel very validated because I had been so uncomfortable for the past few weeks and kept thinking it must be because I was getting old or was too out of shape. It was so fun to meet Miles and see his face and get to know him face to face. My parents brought our older kids over and they got to meet him during his first hour of life.
March 6 |
We had a pretty good "first night" with Miles. Anthony stayed with us in the hospital and Miles ate well and was able to go to the nursery for just under three hours, giving us one decent stretch of sleep. When I got up Wednesday morning I showered and felt great. It was a busy day with videos to watch, paperwork to fill out and tests to pass for Miles. Stephanie and Kendall came by for a while to say hello. Back at the home front, we had two egress windows put in on Wednesday. It worked out well to have it done while I was in the hospital because it was very loud. The basement finishing is underway! Anthony brought the kids up to the hospital after school and they ate Dominos pizza while we watched Mulan together. It was fun to have all four of my babies together, even though it is still hard to fathom that we have four children. Also, I called Miles Elliott more times than I called him Miles in the first 24 hours of his life. I never had that problem before, but I also have never had children of the same gender back to back before either.
March 7 |
We checked out of the hospital around lunchtime Thursday afternoon and Elliott, Miles and I had just enough time to squeeze in a nap before the big kids got out of school. Miles did not have a great night the night before and I really needed a nap. The nurse in charge of the nursery sent him back to my room an hour after I fed him because he was crying so loudly he was disturbing other babies. I tried feeding him, but he acted frustrated. It reminded me of our
awful night with Will nine years ago when we thought he was getting enough to eat but my milk had not yet come in. Thankfully this time around I was more experienced and was able to handle things much better. After spending an hour trying to feed and soothe him, I attempted to pump. Next to nothing came out and we fed him a small bottle. He relaxed almost instantly. We made it through the night and by the end of the day my milk supply appeared to be adequate for Miles' needs. Elliott has been telling people for weeks that we were going to name our baby "The Greatest Showman John" and was very excited for Miles to wear one of our two top hats. Elliott says he is the Hugh Jackman showman and Miles is the Zac Efron showman. He has been a very loving and attentive brother.
March 8 |
Friday was the first day of spring break. I was really dreading having a brand new baby a few days before having my kids off of school for nine days, but it ended up being pretty great. Friday was a low-key day. It was nice to have a slow, quiet day to acclimate to life with four kids. We are in the process of moving Will out of the room he and Lauren have shared for the past three years and into our office bedroom and the kids have been going through their stuff. Lauren found her "fashion glasses" has been enjoying wearing them. I think she looks even more like Will when she wears them. Our friends and family spoiled us. Emily came over to take some newborn pictures of Miles and my friend Tara brought us lunch from Chick-fil-A. In the afternoon our neighbor Renee brought us dinner. That evening Anthony took the older kids to the church to play basketball and Elliott, Miles and I watched some episodes of Paw Patrol.
March 9 |
I was extremely glad I took the 11am slot for Miles' weight check instead of the 8:30am slot when I called to make the appointment earlier in the week. We barely made it on time, despite all being awake for awhile. It's going to take some work getting used to getting all four kids out the door. Unfortunately, Miles lost one more ounce than the 10% they allow newborns to lose so we will have to head back Monday. After the pediatrician's office we headed to Hy-Vee to pick up some groceries.