Saturday, March 16, 2019

2019 :: week 11

March 10
I love the new windows we had put in our basement. Previously the window was small and let in very little light. This area has been a playroom, and while we plan on keeping most of our toys down here, we want to transition it to an additional family room. We didn't have to expand this window, so I was a little anxious about how much light it would let in. Thankfully, it adds a lot of light, so I don't have to regret the expense.

March 11
Monday afternoon it filled my heart with joy to look outside and see the yard full of kids playing together. Maybe it was the post-partum pregnancy hormones, but it has been such a long, gray winter there were times when it seemed like it would be cold forever. At Miles' weight check he had still not gained any weight and I started to cry. The nurse was clearly very concerned about me and started asking me all sorts of questions about the support I was getting. I have actually felt more supported than ever, but have been struggling to sleep. Every time I lay down to try to sleep I suddenly feel very alert. That night I took a sleep aid and Anthony took Miles out of our room for a few hours to let me get a longer stretch of sleep. When I woke up Tuesday morning I felt like a new woman.

March 12
Anthony took the day off Tuesday so that I could rest as much as possible. I was able to take two good naps (and Anthony snagged a few too). It was rainy and gray in the morning, but in the afternoon the sun came out and the kids were able to play outside with the neighbors for a few hours. Sleep and sun give me life!

March 13
Papa and Nana arrived for the rest of Spring Break on Wednesday evening. I tried to go for a walk with Miles while Anthony and the kids went to the airport to pick them up, but he screamed all the way to the end of the block. I ended up just turning around and going back to our house. A few days later we decided to take the infant insert out of the car seat and he stopped crying so hard whenever we put him in. Big baby problems. Nana and Papa came bearing gifts: a puzzle set for Elliott, socks you could color for Lauren, and a heli-ball for Will. All the gifts have been well loved by the kids.

March 14
Our plan for Thursday was to have Nana and Papa take the kids to Science City after I took Miles to another weight check. They scheduled their visit over Spring Break so they could help us keep the older kids entertained. I took Miles to his THIRD weight check in the morning and when I got there Miles' hadn't gained any weight! I felt very demoralized, but the nurse had me feed Miles and we weighed him again after and he gained four ounces, despite the fact that he also had a substantial bowel movement. Hurray! Science City was crowded due to spring break, but the kids had a great time and I enjoyed taking a nap while they were gone.

March 15
Miles is 10 days old! With all of my kids, once they hit the ten day mark I feel like life starts to settle down a bit. I feel like at this point we are starting to settle into a routine as we figure out what our new "normal" is going to be. Of course, there is nothing normal about this week--the kids are home from school and Anthony's parents are here. Don't get me wrong those are good things, but I won't always have two extra adults around to entertain my older kids and cook our meals, allowing me to solely focus on taking care of Miles and myself.

March 16

On Saturday we went to the Cedar Cove Feline Conservatory in Louisburg. The conservatory is home to large cats and other endangered animals that cannot safely survive in the wild. Elliott had been requesting a zoo visit, but I was not sure I was up to that make walking. This is a place I have wanted to take the kids for awhile, so we went there instead. We had heard it was best to go at feeding time, and feeding time did not disappoint. 

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