Saturday, March 23, 2019

2019 :: week 12

March 17
Sunday morning Nana and Papa took care of the older kids while I slept in a bit. Will had been looking forward to playing Bananagrams with Nana. Doug and Tina took the three older kids to church, but left after Sacrament Meeting so I could drive them to the airport. It was Miles' first drive to Missouri and he slept through all of it.

March 18
We have been watching a lot of Mormon Channel Kids lately. We started watching the videos to enhance our scripture study and the kids got hooked! Elliott loves the "Going to Grandma's" message based on Carole Stephens' talk about God giving us commandments because he loves us. All three older kids like the Children's Bible Videos where children explain stories from the New Testament.

March 19
Miles is two weeks old! I am finally starting to feel like we are settling into a routine. At the very least my body isn't aching as much as it was and I am getting enough sleep that I'm feeling slightly capable again. Spring break ending was a little rough. I was nervous about how it would go having everyone home all day when I would have very little energy, but it was fine. The kids were awesome, and Doug and Tina helped a lot. Miles is now eating about every three hours pretty regularly, with one longer stretch. It seems like he'd like to take his longer stretch in thee morning hours, so we are working to get him taking the longer stretch in the middle of the night. He still sleeps most of the day, but likes to be held during his brief wakeful periods. He is so cute and all three older siblings dote on him.
March 20
Elliott has really brought his A game to this "big brother" thing. He brings me clean diapers and wipes, throws away the dirty ones and fetches blankets and pacifiers without being asked. He has been so gentle and loving with Miles. I am looking forward to seeing what their friendship will be like as they get a little older.

March 21
I love seeing Miles with his eyes open. He looks more like himself when he is alert. Anthony came home for lunch and held him while he ate. I haven't quite gotten back in the meal planning/cooking groove yet. In the meantime cereal and sandwiches are hitting the spot.

March 22
I loved sitting on the back porch and watching Elliott and our neighbor Blaise jump on the trampoline. The weather is finally nice enough to enjoy being outside. There was something about the carefree way the boys were laughing as they jumped that made me feel happy.

March 23
Miles proved to be a good luck charm Saturday. It was our first time taking Miles to his older siblings' sporting events and both siblings played well. Lauren's soccer team ended up tying their games, but Lauren came to play and stole the ball a few times. Will's team won their last game of the season and my proudest mom moment was when a parent from the other team yelled at the boy that was defending Will to "not let that little guy get past you!" Will scored six of his team's first eight points. I felt a lot more tense when Anthony and the opposing coach started yelling passive aggressive things to each other. Sports are fun! Even though they take up a lot of time (and they are only in first and third grades!) I enjoy watching my kids learn, compete and improve.


Tina said...

What passive aggressive things did they yell? Inquiring minds want to know!

Laura said...

Haha the passive aggressive part of the story made me laugh. Tony is the best. I hope you continue settling into a good routine with all the kids!