Saturday, March 2, 2019

2019 :: week 9

February 24
Sunday evening we attended an "8 is Great!" event put on by our primary presidency. Lauren turns eight in October and is very excited to be getting baptized. The primary glued clues around the building and we used our scriptures to find answers to Who, What, When, Where and Why of baptism (there were others too, I just can't remember). The kids loved it.

February 25
This week felt like a week of "lasts" for me, being that it is my last full week before we add child number four to the mix. I have tried to stay active this pregnancy and water aerobics has been my main source of exercise for the past four months. I try to go 3-5 times a week, depending on our family's schedule. The ladies and instructors in the classes have been very supportive of me and I really appreciate it. This week I went Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. It was bittersweet saying goodbye to my classmates knowing I won't be back for at least six weeks.

February 26
Elliott and I met Renee, Blaise and Luke at the library for story time Tuesday. Elliott isn't a great participator unless he has a friend to be with. After story Ttime we played with the toys. Elliott took the dollar bills from the play ice cream shop and put them around the juvenile section. Then he took a magnifiying glass that was part of another play area and told me he was doing "8 is great." The answer to every clue was "Jesus Christ is the Savior." He also randomly recited the third article of faith to me this week, so clearly he is paying attention in primary.

February 27
I was shocked to find out that school was cancelled Wednesday! The kids were all up and we were eating breakfast when I looked at my phone and saw the notification. Apparently there had been freezing rain overnight and the roads were very slippery. Our driveway was a sheet of ice. The kids are now at eight, yes eight! "snow" days. I took advantage of having everyone home and we did some getting-ready-for-the-baby cleaning. Will has been an amazing helper this week and is a big reason why I don't feel super stressed about adding this baby to our family. In spite of the weather I had my 39 week check-up and found out our baby has turned! He is now head down. We are crossing our fingers he will stay head down and I can be induced next Tuesday. If he moves I will have a c-section that day instead.

February 28
The kids were being extra goofy during our family scripture study Thursday night. It started with Elliott talking about the baby in his tummy. Then Will had to have one too. Lauren didn't want a baby in her tummy, but she did want a baby so she had to go get a stuffed animal to love on too. I have to admit, I was feeling a little jealous of how effortlessly the babies left their tummy. I have been having Braxton-Hicks contractions all week and know that is just a harbinger of things to come.

March 1
Elliott and I delivered our last batch of meals on Friday. We started this route in August 2017, so we have known some of our recipients for 18 months. We are taking a break and will reevaluate our ability to help in a few months.

March 2
Another busy Saturday of getting stuff done. I took Lauren on a breakfast date to Chick-fil-A and shoe shopping this morning. We did a variety of chores around the house throughout the day, including installing the baby's carseat into our van. Elliott's car seat has been moved to the passenger side. Will's basketball game was rescheduled, so Anthony took the kids to the church to shoot hoops and run around. That evening we went out to eat at Red Robin and topped off the night drinking root beer floats.

1 comment:

Tina said...

What a great "8 is great" activity. Wow. And 3-4 times a week doing aerobics! That's very impressive.