Monday, March 4, 2019

it begins...

It is now time for the ritual of Anthony writing blogposts about the arrival of our baby while Carrie does the work.

We have checked into the hospital and they have Carrie wired up. We can hear the baby's heart well.

For anyone who does not know, we found out a few weeks ago that the baby was lying transverse. Our OB was concerned that Carrie would have to have a C-section. Carrie went to the hospital that week to have a procedure where they would rotate the baby around. At that point they did an ultrasound and saw that the baby had his cord around his neck, and therefore they were not going to do the procedure. Last week during Carrie's regular appointment they found that the baby had moved into better position, which was a relief.

Carrie has been having mild (easy for me to say) contractions for the last few days, which she has never had before outside of the hospital. This morning we visited with the OB who let us know Carrie is at a 1, which is more than she has ever progressed on her own. 

So we are here, starting the induction process. They are letting her go the bathroom, hooking her up to an IV, and applying the cervadil.

It is hard not to feel a bit apprehensive about potential complications as this pregnancy. We are a little nervous, but also feeling good. Carrie is as stalwart as ever. Probably by tomorrow afternoon this munchkin will be here.

1 comment:

Laura said...

So excited! Prayers for an easy delivery!