Tuesday, February 2, 2016

2016 :: week 5

January 24
The kids have been learning the song "Search, Ponder and Pray," in Primary this month. After church they were showing off some of the actions they are using to help them remember the song and recruited Pepaw's help. Lauren is searching, Pepaw is pondering and Will is praying (though it looks more like he is hugging himself).

January 25
We only have one wall left to conquer in our quest to rid the dining room of wall paper! Unexpectedly, Will has been a great helper. He has gotten really into it which has helped me stay motivated. I've enjoyed working on the project with him. It has been especially fun to have a buddy that can share my excitement when one of us peals off an especially large piece of wallpaper.

January 26
We have a standing weekly playdate with the "half day friends" on Tuesdays. These three are the little siblings of the half day friends that regularly get together (plus Elliott, obviously). I'm enjoying watching them become buddies too. At times Lauren can be a little standoffish. They are all the same age and will start kindergarten together in August of 2017.

January 27
We got together with a bunch of friends from church on Wednesday night for a potluck dinner. Between work and church Anthony hasn't been around nearly as much as I assumed he would be after Elliott was born. At this season of our lives his responsibilities require him to spend a fair amount of time away from our family. I'm grateful to have so many good women around me to keep me from feeling lonely. I hesitate to list them because I know I'll leave someone important out, but I am overwhelmed when I think about all the amazing people around me--near and far--that I count on for support. They help me stay sane when I need to vent, commiserate when I'm feeling overwhelmed, and listen when I want to chat. Also, Lojo loves to dress up with her friend Kenni.

January 28
Bedtime is a struggle. Lauren struggles to keep herself from playing with the toys in her room after bedtime. Most nights involve some sort of conflict over the aforementioned toys, noise and struggling to sleep. With Anthony gone most evenings it is sometimes more than I can take. When bedtime rolls around I'm ready to go off the clock! This week I was fed up with it so I had them haphazardly put all the toys that tempt her in the hallway before bed. Obviously this is not a long term solution (we worked on that this weekend) but for a few days it did the trick.

January 29
My new visiting teaching companion is from China. We had her family over for dinner a few weeks ago and I felt a little bit of stress about what to make. We don't do much adventurous eating over here. She was very nice about the food I made and offered to make us some authentic Chinese food. Friday we went to their home for dinner. It was delicious! Anthony and I loved it. Will and Lauren ate it without complaint which is akin to them loving it because tears have been shed by both of them over spaghetti. Thanks, Yujia!

January 30
Will and Lauren have been bitten by the Star Wars bug. We've had these light sabers for almost two years, but recently they've started battling with them regularly.


Tina said...

So sorry that you have to spend so much of your time without Anthony! That stinks. But its great that you havve some good friends to see you through it all. (and I love those light sabers!!).

Holly said...

That Chinese food looks yummy!

Meredith said...

I have no desire to strip wallpaper...but I definitely would enjoy having someone appreciate it when I got an extra large piece off. Funny what odd things can be satisfying in life.