Sunday, January 24, 2016

2016 :: week 1

December 27
On Sunday I subbed in Lauren's Sunbeam class. I enjoyed spending time with her and seeing her interact with her friends. She was very excited when she found one of the "stepping stones" to Christ under her chair and she got to go to the front of the room.

December 28
Jill and Laura joined us for some FHE hoops at the church. It was really fun. We pumped some Jock Jams/Space Jams tunes while we played several rounds of knockout.

December 29
Tuesday was Anthony's last day off. It was also his birthday. Unfortunately he forgot to not schedule interviews, so he had to be at the church from 6:30-8. We had white chili for dinner, then had no-bake cheesecake ready for him as soon as he got home. Anthony is a great guy. Sensitive husband, gentle father, thoughtful friend. I'm glad he's ours.

December 30

The birthday week continued with my mom's birthday Wednesday. We opened presents and then said goodbye to Laura as she headed back to Utah that night. My mom is a great woman. She's wise and my kids adore her.

December 31
We got together for NYE dinner at the Cooks with the Ferrins and Hoopes. We played "the candy bar game" with the kids. I'm not really sure of the name, but this is how you play. Players sit in a circle. Each person is given a brown lunch sack. and contributes a candy bar to the "pot" at the center of the circle. A timer is set for 10 minutes. Using two die, each player rolls the dice, then passes the dice to their left. If a 1 or 5 is rolled you can pick a piece of candy from the pot and put it in your bag. If a person in the circle has the piece of candy you want you can steal it from them, but you have to say their name and the candy bar you want. At the end of 10 minutes you get to keep what you have. Or in our case share with the little kids who didn't get anything. It is actually pretty fun. There was a very sought after King Size Twix. We left around 8 so Anthony could attend the Youth Dance.

January 1
Anthony and I spent much of the day removing wall paper from our dining room wall. I was hoping that this would be a project that we did completed over Anthony's break, but we barely scratched the surface. We listened to Season 1 of Serial while we scraped.

January 2
Elliott has started to reach for things and grab them, which has made the time he spends on his play mat much more fun. It is exciting to see him be more deliberate with his hands. 

1 comment:

Meredith said...

I loved catching up on all these blog posts! Elliott is getting so big and so adorable.