Sunday, January 24, 2016

2015 :: week 51

December 13
The heavens opened and it rained all day long Sunday. For some reason rain feels so much more overwhelming when I have to get around in my church shoes and clothes.

December 14
Elliott and I ran some errands while the big kids were in school. Elliott was in a great mood and smiled at me every time he caught my eye. I love looking down at the cart and seeing his happy face. He's a pretty great shopping buddy.

December 15
With Will's birthday fast approaching I asked him to draw a picture of some of his favorite things that happened while he was 5. The Royals are well represented of course, but he came up with some other fun memories as well. From the bottom left:  him going down the slide at the pool, him and his cousin Sadie swinging on the swings at the John Family Reunion in Wisconsin, hitting pitches at the Little K, going on the dolphin cruise in Florida, Christmas tree at Crown Center, finishing preschool and starting kindergarten, visiting the zoo and seeing a polar bear and of course his baby brother. He accidentally wrote "BABY BEAR" when he meant to write baby brother, which caused great tears when he realized it. I love this piece of paper. It is so very Will. I love seeing what events stood out to him this year.

December 16
We received free tickets to see the new Alvin and the Chipmunk movie from our cable company. Who knew The Road Chip was the fourth Alvin movie? Not me. I honestly thought it was the only sequel. Regardless, it was pretty cute and the kids had a blast. Even Elliott. Our friends the Hoopes also got tickets and we sat with them. The kids are wearing the red "A" hats that came in our swag bags. I was planning on taking the kids by myself, but Anthony's trip was cut short and he made it home just in time to go with us. It was a fun way to kick off Will's birthday celebrations.

December 17
Will is 6! His birthday was extra exciting this year as his class holiday party held that afternoon. We went out to Red Robin for dinner, then opened presents and had cake with Memaw, Pepaw, Melanie and Leah. Papa and Nana called and were able to participate in some of the festivities too.

December 18
Friday marked the beginning of Christmas vacation. School got out early and my mom and Melanie watched my kids for me so I could run my last Christmas errands. That night Melanie, Leah and Pepaw joined us for dinner and a movie. We introduced the kids to Home Alone 2: Lost in New York.

December 19
The Nielsons sent Will Catan (a version of Settler's of Catan for younger players) for his birthday. He could hardly wait to try it out. Anthony and Will played several games and I joined in for a few. I actually like it better than regular Settlers because it moves a lot faster, though there is less strategy. Will LOVES this game and will play with anyone who is interested.

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