December 6 |
While watching the First Presidency Christmas Devotional Anthony and I stuffed and began addressing our Christmas cards. Unfortunately I didn't touch the cards for another two weeks...December was busier than I expected. And Elliott's sleeping took a serious step back. I felt like the walking dead for a good portion of the month.
December 7 |
I did a vast majority of my Christmas shopping online this year (as did much of our family). When items arrived I put them in the corner of my room to wrap later. The boxes really started to pile up.
December 8 |
Lauren looking how I felt most mornings. Elliott stated teething and caught a cold, making for very bad sleep for a good portion of the month. Lauren's exhaustion was her own doing. She routinely sneaks toys into her bed to play with after she's been tucked in. The other morning I found about 30 duplos in her bed.
December 9 |
It was hard to feel like Christmas was coming when the temperatures were in the high 50s and low 60s for several days in a row. We met up with Will's good buddy and his family at the park one afternoon to take advantage of the sunshine.
December 10 |
Will is such a great brother. He is so helpful when I need him to be. He grabs burp cloths, helps Elliott with his pacifier and plays with him when he needs some extra attention. As Elliott gets older he looks more and more like baby Will to me.
December 11 |
I took the kids to the zoo Friday afternoon after we picked up Will from school. I keep mentioning the warm weather, but it was a major factor in our activities this week. It was our fourth visit to the KC Zoo since we got our pass in August and the first time we were able to see the rhino. It was a great visit to the zoo.
December 12 |
Anthony and I ended up spending all day working in our yard. It was forecasted to be the last dry, warm day for awhile and we had accumulated thousands of leaves in our yard. While we raked, sucked, blew and trimmed the kids entertained themselves with our various outdoor toys.
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