Sunday, January 10, 2016

2016 :: week 2

**I know I have missed a few weeks. I have been having problems with my computer and downloading photos.

January 3
The first Sunday of the new year means new primary classes for Will and Lauren. Will is now a CTR 6 with Sister Clay and Sister Paul as his teachers. Lauren is a CTR 4 with Sister Githens and Sister Matos as her teachers. I took a picture of the CTR rings they received because it is only a matter of time before they get misplaced.

January 4
The kids got along so well the last day of winter break. They peacefully painted together for close to an hour while I worked on scraping the wallpaper off our dining room walls.

January 5
Back in the grind. Tuesday marked the first day of the second semester. When I realized the kids had 17 days off I wasn't sure if we would survive, but survive we did. And well. But Elliott and I still enjoyed our quiet morning together after we dropped off the big kids at school.

January 6
Family selfie at McDonalds. We joined one of Lauren's preschool classmates for $2 Happy Meal Wednesday. We usually do playdates with Will's friends, and I am trying to put forth more effort towards Lauren's social needs as well.

January 7
Elliott is starting to really fill out and I love it! He is a much taller baby than Lauren was, so the rolls on his legs are taking a bit longer to show up.

January 8
Lauren is getting very good at getting herself ready in the morning. Unfortunately she still struggles a bit with getting things on frontwards. She struggles the most with legging type pants where there is no zipper and shirts where the design is the same on the front and back. She also doesn't like to fix them. Once they're on, they're on.

January 9
Both Will and Lauren got invited to birthday parties at the same time on Saturday. Anthony took Will and Elliott to the twins party at McDonald's and I took Lauren to her preschool friend Vivian's party at Wonderscope. Both kids were excited for their respective parties, but Lauren's anticipation was almost off the charts. For the past few mornings one of the first things she would ask me was if it was the party day. It was fun to see Lauren interact with her friend. And yes, she did wear the same shirt two days in a row.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Look how big Elliot looks in that exersaucer! Sitting up tall, and looking ready to bounce. My goodness how big he looks. Doug & I teach CTR 7, so its easy for me to imagine Will in CTR 6.