Sunday, February 28, 2016

2016 :: week 9

February 21

Will had a bad cough and was unable to go to church Sunday. My mom was kind enough to pick up Lauren on her way to church so at least ONE of the kids could get out of the house.

February 22

On top of missing church, Will missed school Monday and Tuesday. He wasn't that sick. He ran a low grade fever for a few days and was coughing enough during the night that he wasn't getting very good sleep and felt justified in asking for cough drops round the clock. But he felt well enough to want constant entertainment. He put together these 5 puzzles Nana brought him several different times over his 3 "days off." Several kids in his kindergarten class missed school last week with similar symptoms.

February 23
With the weather taking a turn towards spring, the kids and I have been taking more walks in the late afternoon/early evening. We usually walk for 1-2 miles or about half and hour. Lauren looks upset in this picture, but we were actually having a pretty good time. And Elliott was there too, but I  wasn't paying attention to my camera angle and Will's hand is blocking his face. I need to up my selfie game.
February 24
Anthony attended the temple with the youth Wednesday night.

February 25
If you zoom in closely you can see Will's little head in the corner of the window. He has to wait in the office for me to pick him up from school most days. Lauren gets out of preschool at 11am and half day kindergarten ends at 11:05am. Their schools are about five minutes apart, so if I get stuck behind a bus or hit the lights wrong I don't make it to Will's school until close to 11:10am. I feel bad because often the other half day friends and their mothers visit in front of the school for a bit and Will desperately wants to join them, but can't until I get there. He is a good sport about it though, and is getting to know Miss Connie (the school secretary) well.

February 26
It was a long week. All three of the kids were sick at one point. We had church-related commitments every single day. On Friday night I went to a very enjoyable 80th birthday dinner for a sister in our ward. While I was gone Anthony sent me this picture and the accompanying text: "This tycoon took the banks last dollar. The very fabric of reality is ripping. I have been playing a single game for 80 minutes. Someday Wills Wall Street nickname will be 'Prince John.' " I was not sad to have missed out on that game.

February 27
Lauren and Will have enjoyed using the perler beads this week. Saturday Anthony joined in and they worked together to fill in the 29x29 square with 841 beads.


Susan said...

I enjoy walks with my kids too. I really wish we could fast forward these next two months. This winter has stunk and I'm ready for spring. I hope your spring comes much sooner and your kids stay healthy!

Tina said...

Sad that Will was sick, but glad he still enjoys doing those puzzles! When he gets tired of them, feel free to throw them away or give them away! I look at our shelves downstairs, and we have SO MANY old puzzles, which I'm sure were fun at the time.