Sunday, March 6, 2016

2016 :: week 10

February 28
Now that we start church at 11, I really only have time to bathe Elliott before church. He's really starting to fill up the baby tub. Lauren is very sweet with her little brother and a great help to me.

February 29
Will and Lauren wrestled with TJ before he left for the airport. They love attacking him. Lately it seems like Lauren enjoys the wrestling more than Will, though they both enjoy it. It's good for them to get some of their aggression out on someone they can't really hurt. Anthony was in DC until late Wednesday night.

March 1
Elliott finally caught the cold his older siblings have had. The never-ending, super annoying, lingering cold. Elliott just wanted to be held all day long.

March 2
Will picked me some flowers while we went on a walk Wednesday afternoon. We went on an extra long walk because Elliott was not a happy camper. He was pleasant while we were moving, but as soon as we stopped he got grumpy again. Therefore, we kept walking.

March 3
Anthony brought the kids Star Wars Lego mini-builds when he got back from DC as a reward for their good behavior.
March 4
It turns out my poor boy had a double ear infection and an ruptured ear drum. No wonder he was so unhappy all week! In my defense, Will and Lauren have only ever had one ear infection each, so the possibility of an ear infection wasn't even on my radar. With the help of some antibiotics and ear drops we could tell he was already on the way back to being his usual happy self that night.

March 5
It took me over an hour to vote Saturday. I thought the line was long when I got there and it was 3 times as long when I left! Each time I exercise my franchise to vote I am humbled when I think of all the sacrifices and efforts that have been made to grant me that right, both as an American citizen and a woman.


Tina said...

Poor Elliot! Ear infections are the worst -- and a ruptured ear drum to boot. I am so sorry about all that. I wish I were there to help.

Meredith said...

Ruptured ear drum!?! I know those are pretty painful...because Steven has had them a few times while we have been married and he seems like he is in a lot of pain. Babies are so hard - they can scream just as hard about being hungry as they do for an ear infection. Hopefully he doesn't get recurring ones.