Saturday, February 6, 2016

2016 :: week 6

January 31

Our Stake Conference was this weekend. It was nice to have Anthony sit with us, though we still had to drive separately as Anthony had meetings before and after. Elliott gets more and more wiggly every day, so I set him on the ground for a bit. Lauren joined him down there for awhile too. It was a good meeting and I left feeling motivated to work harder on a few goals I had previously set for myself.

February 1

I like to help out in Will's classroom about once a month if I can make it work. Monday I visited and tested him and his classmates on how many letters of the alphabet they could correctly identify in one minute. It was harder than it sounds because the letters were not in any order, both upper and lower case. I love getting a peek into what Will's "school life" is like. I've been really impressed with the teachers, staff and parents I've met this year and am grateful that he gets to spend his mornings in such a great environment.
February 2
I think I am a morning person, even though I struggle to get up and get going. I love the promise of a new day and the all the things I probably won't, but hopefully will accomplish. I was in a really good mood when we walked to school Tuesday morning. The sun was shining, it was fairly warm, we were ahead of schedule, and my kids were laughing and having a fun time together. My heart felt very full as I walked behind my enthusiastic, sweet kids.

February 3
Will goes through phases where he produces a lot of art. Right now he is producing a lot of art. A lot of it is influenced by what he and his friends play at school. He has also produced some Star Wars fanfic, complete with illustrations.

February 4
It was a red-letter sample day at Costco Thursday. The past few times we've paid Costco a visit it has either been after dinner or right after it has opened--NOT great times for the sample-minded patrons.  

February 5
I don't want to jinx things, but we had a great week with Elliott. Two times this week he slept through the night until the six o'clock hour!! Both times I woke up and panicked when I realized the time and that I hadn't heard from him. Friday evening we watched an abbreviated version of Attack of the Clones with the kids. I snuggled with Elliott until well after his bedtime because it was so pleasant holding him I didn't want to stop. I love this little guy.

February 6
I ran a lot of errands Saturday, and listened to the book One Summer, by Bill Bryson while I did so. It tells the story of a variety of events that happened in the U.S. during the summer of 1927. Turns out 1927 was a pretty eventful summer--Charles Lindberg successfully flew across the Atlantic, Babe Ruth set the single season home run record and Herbert Hoover organized the relief efforts for millions of people affected by the Mississippi River flood. 


Mitzi said...

I love mornings that run ahead of schedule. They always put me in a good mood, too!

Alicia said...

Elliot looks so so cute in that picture. I would want to snuggle with him too! Those eyes are really 'smizing' (yes that is an America's Next Top Model reference. :)).