Monday, February 22, 2016

2016 :: week 7

February 7
Elliott and I took a selfie before church. We are on the 11am schedule right now and it has been a nice change of pace. The hardest things is that it throws Elliott's nap schedule off a bit. We'll see how it goes in the next few months as he gets older and more mobile.

February 8
Monday the kindergarteners celebrated the 100th day of school. Anthony and I were both able to help facilitate a one of the "100" activities in his classroom. I love seeing Will in the school element and getting to know the kids in his class. He goes to school with a lot of great kids! Anthony and I were cracking up afterwards--almost every single boy drew a Star Wars related picture.

February 9
I love my mornings with Elliott. After we drop the big kids off at school we have just over two hours to ourselves. On most days we eat breakfast together, then Elliott goes down for his morning nap. Elliott is so cheerful in the mornings (all the time really). I'm grateful for the one on one time we have. He is usually just along for the ride in the afternoons, it is nice to focus on him for a bit.

February 10
We met up with some half day friends at 360 Gymnastics on Wednesday afternoon.

February 11
We've been treated to some gorgeous sunsets lately. My photos never do them justice. I took this Thursday evening as I walked to the school to help with a PTA event. I signed up for a lot of PTA committees last year at kindergarten round-up and they have been keeping me busy!

February 12
Friday night was our ward's annual family dance. As usual we had a great time and danced our hearts out. DJ TJ was dropping beats for the third year in a row. Will and the other primary age kids could have limbo-ed all night long. The cookies and hot chocolate were pretty good too.

February 13
Nana came to town! I bought some discounted tickets to Science City at Costco and we decided to use them while Nana was here. Will is interested in all things science and it was fun to explore the exhibits with a real live scientist. The exhibits are targeted towards elementary school students, so some worked better with our kids than others. This magnetic sand exhibit was a favorite-if I remember correctly we visited it three times.

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