Sunday, March 29, 2015

2015 :: week 13

March 22
Now that we have afternoon church I have more time to pamper Lauren in the morning. I never thought I would look forward to and enjoy painting my daughter's nails, but it turns out I do.

March 23
For the last day of Spring Break Will and I worked on a solar system poster for his room. It is something that he has wanted to do for awhile and I finally got around to taking him to Hobby Lobby and getting the supplies. If you are new to world of solar system models, they sell kits that are far more cost effective than buying individual styrofoam balls. We had a fun, albeit mildly chaotic afternoon of painting planets while trying to make dinner for the missionaries and keeping Lauren from painting herself.

March 24
The finished product! Will was very proud of his poster and to be honest, so am I. It even lasted four days on his wall without falling or having a planet fall off (due to over touching).

March 25
It warmed up a bit on Wednesday and the kids played in the backyard for an extended period of time for the first time since last winter. Lauren has decided she wants to try her hand at climbing trees. I enjoyed getting a little Vitamin D and seeing the daffodils in bloom.

March 26
I snapped this picture as we were getting the kids ready for bed. Will likes to wear socks to bed and watching him walk down the hall with no pants and black socks made me laugh out loud.

March 27
Every March my extended Crane family members try to attend the temple at least once in honor of my Grandpa Crane's birthday (March 29, 1905). Friday night we took this flattering selfie as we headed home after a very full session.

March 28
Anthony has taught the kids that graham crackers and milk is the perfect afternoon snack. Before the basketball games and our evening activities started the kids watched Cinderella and dunked some graham crackers in milk.


Susan said...

My kids are also a fan of graham crackers and milk. That solar system poster turned out great!

Tina said...

Love that solar system poster! Reminds of one that Anthony made when he was in D.C. when he was in kindergarten (age 6). I can't remember if it was a model, or just a poster with stickers on it. But I remember he did a "presentation" to his kindergarten class where he told them about each of the planets, and his teacher was very impressed.

Mitzi said...

Thise daffodils look gorgeous! I can't wait for things to start blooming.

Lauren said...

I LOVE that solar system poster! So cool! Will is definitely into space these days. :)