Not to muddy the waters of opinion too much, but I think the boys are slightly more recognizable than the girls (the same artist drew Anthony and Will, and a different artist drew Lauren and me). Worth remembering, it took less time to wait in line and have all four of these drawn than it did for Will and I to wait in line and have a balloon sword made by the balloon artist.
Agreed! Will is especially recognizable! I have never felt that caricatures are ever recognizable, so I think it's pretty amazing that something in Will's pictures really looks like him (and Anthony is recognizable by the stubble around his chin!).
I also think Will's is the best. The eyes look like Will's, but maybe the props, the glasses and hat, help a lot. I always wanted a caricature growing up...a friend had one and they seemed so cool. But I have never been too impressed since, maybe because I have only had free ones done.
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