Saturday, March 21, 2015

2015 :: week 12

March 15
I've mentioned that Lauren likes to stash things before. Sunday during church she was shoving pieces of the foam number puzzle we have in our church bag up her leggings!

March 16
Monday was the first day of "Spring Break" and the weather was excellent. We had a fun day chock full activities. In the afternoon the kids were hot (and a little sticky from the free ice cream cones we picked up at Dairy Queen) so we turned on the sprinkler in the back yard. My phone said it was 83 degrees.

March 17
Tuesday was about 20 degrees cooler than Monday and my allergies hit in full force. We went to  Will's friend's home for a St. Patrick's Day party, which was nice because I did nothing to celebrate at home besides set out green clothes for the kids.

March 18
Wednesday was rainy and gray. We got out a bit in the morning, but spent the entire afternoon and evening indoors. Anthony went and played basketball after putting the kids to bed by himself. I took this picture of the things the kids threw over the balcony while I was distracted with relief society stuff after they were supposed to be in bed.

March 19
Day 2 of the rain and cold and day three of my obnoxious sinus headache. The kids were stir crazy and all I wanted to do was stay in bed and read. I finally bribed the kids with an hour of playtime at the new McDonald's playplace and hot fudge sundaes if they would play quietly in their room for an hour (in addition to our regular quiet time). Definitely worth it, though I was not the only parent with a similar idea. The place was packed and it was a lot harder to read my book than I had anticipated.

March 20
Friday night we went to the Plaza to get some dessert and search for bunny statues. The kids really wanted to go to the park, but it had been so wet the past few days I wasn't sure how dry it would be. The Plaza was a fun second choice. We spotted several bunnies and had a fun time exploring (and eating ice cream). Lauren chose her own outfit. She's wearing three shades of pink, mixing multiple prints and had far from the most daring ensemble we saw that night.

March 21
We had a busy Spring Saturday. We finally upgraded our phones! Did some cleaning, hung some pictures, watched lots of basketball and attended a baptism. After dinner we went to the park. The kids rode their bikes and were so pleased to park their bikes at the bike rack. Will rode right over and positioned his bike and looked so satisfied with himself. He's pointed out other bike racks to me before when we've been out, it's clearly something that he's been wanting to use for awhile.


Mitzi said...

I miss those bunnies! Looks like a good, Spring-y week!

Alicia said...

That picture of Lauren putting stuff up her leggings made me laugh out loud. I miss that girl.

E said...

Lauren tucking toys in her clothes is hilarious! And yay for new phones!

Lauren said...

Congrats on the new phones! Leah stuffs things in her pants and her socks and shoes all the time! She's definitely a stasher. Cleaning out the girls room for the move was pretty entertaining and also kind of gross.