Monday, March 9, 2015

2015 :: week 10

March 1
Will enjoyed playing some prophet memory on for awhile Sunday.

March 2
Will and I made some cookies for FHE Monday night. Can you guess which cookies he and Lauren rolled and put on the cookie sheet? Lauren wanted to make snakes and Will was quite taken with the idea. I wasn't sure how they would cook compared to the regular round cookies, but they turned out just fine.

March 3
It's pretty safe to say Lauren loves grapefruit. I had half as part of my breakfast Tuesday morning and she snagged the other half off the counter and went to town on it while watching Curious George. By the time she was done with it the inside was completely gone, all that was left was the peel. She had to change shirts because the shirt she was wearing was drenched with juice.

March 4
Lauren's bed is always full of treasures. She likes to hide stuff for later and play after she's been put to bed. I found her with legos perched on her headboard and you can't see it but there is basket filled with more odds and ends under her pillow. When I asked her how she slept with the basket there she said it "wasn't very comfy." She's in that awful stage where she doesn't want and really need a nap most days, but she could really benefit from some quiet time and more often than not falls asleep when we drive somewhere for more than 10 minutes in the afternoon.

March 5
The kids (especially Lauren) have been asking to play with play-doh for several days. I have a love/hate relationship with play-doh. The kids love it and will spend hours working on various creations, but they make such a mess and we end up with play-doh crumbs all over the place and smeared into clothes.

March 6
Friday the kids were excited to spend some time with Anthony. He spent the week in Huntsville, AL, which is where the NASA space camp is located. Mentioning rockets once to Will was all it took for him to become hooked. Here they are watching a youtube video of a shuttle launch.

March 7
Lauren was very pleased with herself for "helping" me frost a strawberry cake for a potluck dinner we hosted with a few of Anthony's co-workers and their families Saturday night. If this picture taken by my cell phone doesn't convince me to finally upgrade my phone (I've been eligible for months but am too lazy to do it) I don't know if anything ever will.


Tina said...

Your kitchen looks awesome with the paint and the new table. And I loved the "snake" chocolate chip cookies! Good for you for having regular FHE, with great traditions (like kids get to chose/help you make the treats)

E said...

Those cookies look delish! Are they the same ones you gave Lauren? She shared one with me and it was perfect! I need your recipe!

Love Lauren's bed treasures :)

New phone! New phone!

Susan said...

I would eat the snake cookies. No question.