March 29 |
I love it when the dafodils in our yard bloom. We've done next to nothing to nurture them, but they keep coming back each year fuller and more beautiful than they were the year before.
March 30 |
Monday night we went for a walk and then played in the backyard for a bit. The kids enjoyed attacking Anthony and eventually knocked him to the ground. I'm glad the kids have a dad that makes them feel secure and they are comfortable "attacking" him.
March 31 |
Now that spring has arrived the kids are spending a lot of time outside. For the most part, this is a wonderful addition to our days. Tuesday morning it proved to make (my) life more difficult. While playing under our deck Lauren somehow ended up with a bucket full of potting soil on her head and back.
April 1 |
April 1st is opening day for the Deanna Rose Farmstead. I typically wait about a week or two after it opens before making our first visit each year, but this year the weather was gorgeous and Will was dying to go. Going to the farm in the afternoon has been the way I've avoided large crowds in the past, but avoiding crowds is not very realistic on opening day. We got there around 3:30pm after I picked Will up from school and stayed until closing time (5pm). The poor animals had been feed all day and were refusing the feed the kids tried to give them. The bison and longhorn are two of the kids' favorite animals to visit at the farm. I call this picture, "Home on the Range."
April 2 |
What do you do when the temperature drops and basball's opening day is less than a week away? Watch Royals youtube videos to pump you up for the season, of course.
April 3 |
The kids really like the child watch attendant that works at the gym on Fridays. He plays catch with Will helps both kids put together puzzles.
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April 4 |
Saturday has been a quiet day. We had planned to get up early to see the lunar eclipse but none of us slept well, which was probably my fault. I turned off the heat and opened several windows throughout the house earlier this week and failed to turn the heat back on and close the windows when the temperature dropped into the 40s again last night. We were all freezing all night long and by the time we got up at 7:15am it was too bright to see anything. In the afternoon we met up with some friends at the park and the kids played softball.
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