April 5 |
When we moved into our house 3.5 years ago we joked about how we still live in the same 750 square feet we used to, we just now have a lot of space to store things, because the kitchen, tv room and downstairs bathroom are by far the most utilized rooms in our home. Well sometimes it feels like the kids and I only take up same five square feet of space at any given time. Even though it is a bit suffocating at times, I appreciate that my kids like to be near me. I know that this phase won't last forever and I'll one day be wishing they would just want to be in the same room as me.
April 6 |
My mom gave Will a bug house and he has been actively looking for tenants ever since. I took this picture at about 8:15am on Monday. Will could hardly contain his enthusiasm to look for bugs and wanted to skip breakfast. He hadn't even put on his glasses yet!
April 7 |
The kids love the play place at the mall. We went to another mini-build at the Lego Store and the kids were dead set on playing after we waited in line for about 20 minutes to get the UFO blocks. I'm still trying to figure out how the mini-builds work. They start handing them out at 5pm. We've gotten there at 5:10pm and walked right in, 5:20pm and they were totally out, and 4:45pm and the line was wrapped around the perimeter of the mall. Oh well, I shouldn't complain about free Legos. Will is going through a space loving phase right now so he was pretty excited about the UFO and Lauren likes to have whatever Will has so it was a win all around.
April 8 |
Lately Lauren has taken to using the lacing cards and telling me she is working on a "cross-stitch." Sometimes it scares me how much she wants to do the things that I do and thinks the things I do are worth copying.
April 9 |
Will has been begging to go to Black Hoof Park for over a week and Thursday morning we finally had enough time to make our first visit of 2015. Will loved leading Lauren around the wooded areas on a "nature hunt" (his current favorite thing to do outside) and pointing out the various things he saw. While we were there it got really windy for about 2 minutes, then the temperature dropped about 10 degrees. Spring weather is a little unpredictable.
April 10 |
It was a gorgeous evening Friday, so after dinner we loaded up and headed to Shawnee Mission Park for some fun. We walked and ran around a bit, played on the playground, and had some batting practice.
April 11 |
After a day of work around the house and yard, Saturday afternoon we hit up 7-11 and their "Bring Your Own Container day." Lauren and I shared (but did not finish) the wild cherry in a pitcher, but Will and TJ did finish the green apple that is hidden behind Lauren's head. It was the first time the kids had tried slurpees and they thought it was like drinking a popsicle.
Love seeing some of our old favorite parks again in pictures. Spring in Kansas City was always a favorite for me. Thanks for sharing!
Will sounds like so much fun! I wish he could still play with Noah.
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