Sunday, July 27, 2014

june, in water

Warning: there are going to be a lot of pictures of the kids at the pool in this post. June was hot, we live less than 500 feet from a pool, and you only pay once for a pass which means it's "free" after the first visit.

Slowly warming up to the water.

Goggle-y eyes part 1

Goggle-y eyes, part 2

Pretending to be a crocodile

Silly faces



Sticking close together

Fake smile

Not sticking together

Finally conquering the slide! Lauren was scared to go down the slide for the first few weeks of summer. One evening I pushed her down after she had stood at the top long enough to have 5 kids impatiently waiting behind her in line. She was very pleased with herself.

Fully embracing the splash pad.

Preferring the periphery of the splash pad.

Aiming the water gun at mom.

Snacking with friends.

Enjoying the rare treat from the concession stand. I like to keep my children's expectations nice and low, so when I spring for two $0.25 freezee pops my kids think it's amazing.

Building a sand castle with Dad.

Quick dip in the pool on a hot summer evening.

Shark chasing a turtle.

Collecting leaves after a storm and a forced hug.

Sharing a watering can with friends.

Water gun fight/ambush with friend's older brother.

Backyard picnic dinner after an evening trip to the pool.

Enjoying the slide...

...until she's reminded it is her last slide of the night.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

2014 :: week 30

July 20
Anthony and I are in the middle of teaching a temple prep class this month and next. We've really enjoyed getting to know the group of people that come to class. There is a couple preparing to get sealed and three young men with mission calls who attend with their mothers. Many thanks to my parents and our friends that watch our kids for two hours Sunday night while we teach.

July 21

I tried a new recipe on Monday that both Anthony and I really, really enjoyed. The kids on the other hand were not impressed. Will told me that "grownups make him cry" when they make him eat yucky food. Sometimes I find it really amusing that my kids think I am torturing them when I serve them delicious food, but usually it's just annoying.

July 22
This week was hot. We've had such great weather this summer it almost didn't feel like Kansas. This week it was back to "normal." Temperatures in the 90s and high humidity. We visited the pool several times.

July 23
Will and Lauren decided to play in the laundry baskets while I was folding laundry Wednesday. Both kids are pretending to be asleep in the "cribs." Lauren's face is especially convincing.

July 24
Sometimes I let the kids play at the playground after eating when we eat lunch at the elementary school. Will and Ethan started this game where they throw rubber chips at grasshoppers, bees, moths or other insects they see in the grass.

July 25
Our friends told us we could help ourselves to the tomatoes they are growing in their backyard while they were out of town this week. The kids have LOVED going over and looking for ripe tomatoes and TJ and I have LOVED eating fresh-from-the-garden tomatoes.

July 26
Anthony's co-worker Kevin and his wife hosted a OPM BBQ tonight for employees and their families at their home. The food was great and after filling up on buffalo chicken dip, watermelon and pulled pork smoked right in their backyard people started playing yard games. Anthony and Will played "hillbilly golf" while Lauren and I played and chatted inside. It was hot and steamy. The weather app on my phone said it was 76% humidity.

Monday, July 21, 2014


At the end of June Andrew and Melanie passed through the Sunflower State on their way to Florida. If it seems like we have a lot of siblings moving this summer it is because we do. Four of our siblings and their spouses have moved since May.

The Staritas arrived in the OP late Saturday night. We saw them at church, ate dinner with them, and then they helped watch our kids while we taught a temple prep class in the evening.

Andrew amazed the kids by drinking pickle juice. For some reason pickles and pickle juice have become an ongoing joke with our kids.

Will and Andrew sang some made up songs together.

Melanie joined the performers for a song or two as well.

Of course Lauren had to get in on the action too.

John/Starita group pic

The Starita visit was even faster than the visit from Papa and Hillary a few weeks before. We've had some great quick visits with family this summer, but they've all been much to short. Don't worry Melanie and Andrew. As long as you're living in Florida you can expect visits from us every February. :)

24 hours with papa and hillary

Hillary and Ben recently completed their time at BYU and moved to Michigan to continue their quest to make the world a better place via Teach for America and the Ford Motor Company. Ben participated in an impressive car design contest so Doug volunteered to fly to Utah and help Hillary drive their car across the country in early June.

They arrived Friday evening and treated the kids and I to dinner at Chick-fil-A. Anthony arrived home a few hours after dinner, he had been working in Boston for the week. Papa came bearing gifts. He brought Lauren some Frozen puzzles and Will a box of baseball cards.

The inaugural sorting of the baseball cards.

Saturday morning we took things slow. Papa prepared a tasty breakfast feast consisting of French Toast and sausage. Then we visited and played with the kids for the rest of the morning.

Will enjoyed showing off his Angry Bird "skills."

We headed to Oklahoma Joe's for a late lunch. Will enjoyed getting an extra lift from Papa and Hillary.

After eating Hillary and I did some shopping and everyone else went home and rested. Post naps we headed out front for some softball. Will loves playing softball and was very excited to have Papa pitch to him.

Will took a turn pitching too.

After the softball game Hillary ran down the street with the kids. They loved chasing and being chased by her.

Eventually our fun day had to come to an end. Both kids were very bummed they had to leave so soon.

fun group of Johns

We had a great time hanging out with Papa and Hillary. Thanks for driving three hours out of your way to spend a day with us!

2014 :: week 29

July 13
My sister Laura made a fruit pizza for dessert Sunday night. It was a healthy version fruit pizza, made with honey, plain yogurt and oatmeal instead of the traditional sugar cookie and frosting. Lauren didn't much care for the frosting, but she was a big fan of the fruit. First she picked off the blackberries, then she went for the strawberries and blueberries. She let everyone else eat the kiwi and banana.

July 14
 Telling Dad all about her day after dinner. Lauren loves to talk.

July 15
Tuesday we spent yet another morning at the library. The kids had a good time with the various scientific sensory activities. In this photo they are putting colored vinegar on baking soda and enjoying the reaction.

July 16
The weather has been so gorgeous this week. Temperatures peaked in the low 80s and there was almost no humidity. I sat in our backyard and read a few different times over the course of the week and enjoyed the pretty view.

July 17
Lauren has mastered the big swing. It's fun to see how much she enjoys it, but it makes me nervous to watch her.
July 18
Lauren bedazzled herself with some of Will's jewelry. Yes, Will has jewelry. He received it as a party favor at a friend's birthday about a month ago. I'm pretty sure the only reason he still lays claim on it is because Lauren has expressed an interest. She chose to wear the same outfit Friday that she had worn Thursday, so even though she is wearing the same clothes, the pictures were taken on different days.

July 19
Saturday night Anthony and I went to a friend's wedding. We had a fun night, even though I was starting to get a pretty bad headache.