Saturday, May 31, 2014

2014 :: week 22

May 25
Sunday I took a post-church picture of the kids by our rose bush. We were starting to get worried about the bush because it wasn't blooming while other bushes seemed to be. My dad helped us prune it and, voila! Tons of flowers!

May 26
Will and I slipped in a quick visit to the pool after our ward Memorial Day picnic and before Anthony and I went out for a birthday date.

May 27
Tuesday was my birthday. I had a good day. My mom watched the kids so I could get some work done around the house. In the afternoon I ran some errands while Will was at a birthday party for one of his friends and then went to the gym. That night my mom brought over one of my favorite desserts (peanut butter rice krispies). Thank you to Mom, Anthony and my kids for making it a great day!

May 28
I've been painting the trim in our upstairs hallway over the past two weeks. We are also in the process of replacing the hinges and doorknobs. Will likes to help Anthony when he screws them in to place.

May 29
The Wilsons are in Kansas! Emily, Matt and Tyler drove to Kansas to visit and introduce Tyler to his Midwest family. We went over to my parents house Wednesday afternoon so we could greet them as they arrived. Will and Lauren were very excited to meet Baby Tyler.

May 30
Pool time for the Crane cousins. This picture is also the first time Will held Tyler and he was very pleased with himself. In other news, Lauren has decided that she needs to have her puddle jumper on whenever she is wearing a swimsuit, even if she is playing in a backyard wading pool.

May 31
The spring on one of our garage doors broke Saturday morning. When it snapped it sounded like a gunshot. My dad came over and helped Anthony get the door back in working order. Spending so much time in the garage was a good excuse for us to clean and sweep the garage out too.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

2014 :: week 21

May 18
After Sunday dinner at my parent's house we sang some primary songs together. Will helped Anthony play the piano and Lauren sang into the microphone. She is usually the featured soloist. Occasionally she permits the rest of us to sing too.

May 19
We've had a lot of dandelions in our yard this spring. Will loved watching Anthony dig them up and has taken to doing it himself whenever he spies one in our yard. Unfortunately, his digging usually leaves large divots in the ground.

May 20
Lauren loves playing with the toys in her room. She has such an active imagination. I enjoy listening to her and all the interesting things that she comes up with while she is playing.

May 21
Wednesday was Will's last day of preschool. He had a great year! Getting Will to school each morning by 8:15am required me to get up and going much earlier than I would have on my own. Will is up by 7:30am regardless of whether or not school is in session, so it wasn't a strain for him at all. I'm going to miss the structure his school schedule dictated, but am looking forward to slower mornings.

May 22
TJ had work in St. Louis so we decided to tag along! It was a fairly last minute decision, but a good one. While Anthony was working Thursday morning the kids and I visited the arch. Lauren didn't sleep well Wednesday night (which means NO ONE slept well) and opted to ride while we walked around.

May 23

On our way out of town we stopped at the St. Louis Temple and had a small picnic. The temple grounds were looking especially gorgeous that afternoon.

May 24
Will's latest obsession is baseball. Every morning we pull up yesterday's MLB scoreboard. Will then goes through and talks about each game. "The Cleveland Indians played the Baltimore Orioles and lost 4-8." He is able to correctly identify the team logos most of the time. He's only 4. I would say that I am worried about what this obsession could turn into, but there are much worse things to be into than baseball.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

2014 :: week 20

May 11
Mother's Day morning I was treated to a breakfast in bed. It was my first breakfast in bed experience. I enjoyed it, but was pretty nervous about spilling my orange juice the whole time I was eating. Especially with the kids rolling around on the bed by me. Will was very excited about helping make my breakfast. It was quite sweet. I love my crazy kids.

May 12
When I opened our blinds Monday morning I was surprised to see this sight. Our poor tree sustained some damage from the thunderstorm Sunday night/Monday morning. This tree has had some problems for awhile. My dad brought his chain saw over and he and Anthony spent a few hours Tuesday night getting it cleaned up. We also got our trees worked on (canopy lifted, deadwood removed, etc.) later in the week, so our yard will be getting a bit more sunlight this summer.

May 13
Tuesday we headed back to the library. Will and I worked on several puzzles together.

May 14
I try to do only one big shopping trip a week. For the past weeks we've done it on Wednesday. This week our shopping included a trip to Costco. And we all know a Costco trip means buying treats you don't need but do anyway because they are on sale. This month it was popsicles. At least they are really good popsicles.

May 15
A friend in my old ward started a book club close to four years ago. It has evolved over the years as people have moved (both in and out) but it is something I consistently look forward to each month. We've read a variety of genres and I am always impressed with the discussions we have. Of course there is usually a lot of non-book related talk that goes on as well. This month it was my turn to host and we read Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling.

May 16
Friday evening Anthony and I went to see the 5 Browns in concert at the Kauffman Center. Anthony's mission friend Stephen Beus was filling in for one of the Brown sisters who is on maternity leave. I haven't seen Anthony this excited since we got our piano tuned by a Finnish man. I had never been to a piano concert before and was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed myself. We waited after the concert to visit with Stephen for a bit and the men had fun catching up.

May 17
We spent the morning strictly reinforcing gender stereotypes. Not really. But our kids fall into them quite naturally. In truth, Will started to "mow" with his lawn mower when Anthony went out to cut our grass, and then Lauren wanted to use the mower too. Obviously they can't use the same lawnmower at the same time and I told her she had to wait. While she was waiting she decided to push Baby Addy around the yard. She has "candies" in her purse in case her baby gets hungry. I wonder where she learned that? These kids make me nervous sometimes with all the things they notice.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

2014 :: week 19

May 4
This is Katie. We hang out during primary most Sundays. She has autism and can get a little overwhelmed with all that is going on during sharing time. It does feel a bit chaotic at times. I sit with her and take her out if she needs a break or I can sense she is getting overstimulated. Some weeks go more smoothly than others.

May 5
We decided to fill our sand table up with sand this year. Last year we did not because I got tired of all the sand that fell on our deck. Within minutes Lauren lived up to my worst fears and began spilling sand all over the place. At least this year it will land on a patch of dead grass.

May 6
I really love our library. This week they had a children's music specialist available to talk with parents about ways to encourage musical development in the home. While families were waiting to talk to the specialist they had a variety of toys and activities set up for the kids to keep them entertained.

May 7
Will and I spent a bit of time painting some cardboard "w's" for his room. I was trying to craft in secret, but he caught me and he wouldn't let it go so we crafted together. It is fun to see his creative juices start to flow.

May 8
Will is obsessed with sports--baseball and basketball specifically--and pretends he is playing a game all the time. He's usually the Royals, Jayhawks or Cougars. We found the Jayhawk basketball and Royals t-shirt he is wearing last week at yard sales for fifty cents each. One dollar for my child's happiness works for me. While he was playing in our yard he told me he was on the Jayhawk-Cougars and they were "gonna win all the games!"

May 9
Both kids were acting sick when they woke up Friday morning. Will said his mouth hurt and Lauren was sluggish and grumpy. Lauren actually had a low grade fever, but Will was fine after he ate breakfast and watched Robin Hood. We had a slow, quiet morning and it was a nice change of pace. There have been some bugs going around, so we laid low most of the day. Both kids were fine by the end of the day.

May 10
We finally got around to putting out the mulch we bought last Saturday. Lauren wanted to push the wheel barrel and actually got it to move a few inches before it hit another bag. She's a determined woman.

2014 :: week 18

April 27
Sunday evening the rain started to POUR while we were eating dinner. The sky went from dark, to light, and back several times. It was windy too and our trees lost a few branches.

April 28
The forecast said that Monday was going to be the only warm and sunny day until the weekend. It ended up being cold and cloudy, but at least it didn't rain. We took a trip to the farmstead and tried to stay out of the house as much as possible before it started to rain again. The kids loved the baby calves in the dairy barn. We ended up spending a lot of time in there, which was fine with me because it was a bit chilly.

April 29

The sky was dark and heavy with clouds for several days in a row. There was rain too, just not as much as I had expected.

April 30

Will and Lauren turned our dining rooms chairs over and pretended it was some sort of vehicle.

May 1
Thursday morning I was surprised when I opened our front blinds to find several police cars out front. Sometimes teenagers decide to make dumb choices with their lives.

May 2

The kids were excited to finally have a reason to wear sunglasses again. The sun came out on Friday. Several neighborhoods in our area were holding community garage sales and we found a few deals while we were shopped.

May 3
Saturday morning we made an early morning trip to the Home Depot along with about half of Overland Park. It was very crowded. After we loaded up our bags of mulch someone pointed out to us that there was a drive-through where HD employees would load bags of mulch straight into you car for you. Oh well. The kids enjoyed riding on the pallet with our mulch, so doing it ourselves was worth it.