November 16 |
After I put the kids to bed I got in bed myself and worked on a Christmas cross-stitch while listening to this month's book club pick,
The Hiding Place. Anthony left straight from church for four days in DC so I was planning on having a lot of time to myself in the evenings. This turned out not to be the case as the kids did not sleep well the entire week.
November 17 |
Sunday was a long day. Monday morning we were all dying to get out of the house. The only problem was it was freezing! The projected high temperature for the day was 25 degrees. We headed to the Lenexa Open Gym for an hour. Will has gotten really good at riding a bike with training wheels. Both kids played hard the entire time we were there and were in much better moods when we got home. Two dollars (admission fee) well spent.
November 18 |
Will was desperate to get out and play baseball after preschool and he mistakenly thought it was warm enough to go outside without a coat, warm hat and gloves. In his defense it did feel significantly warmer than Monday because the sun was out and the wind had died down, but it was still cold (37 degrees). We got through the Royals lineup one time before he decided it was in fact too cold to play baseball outside. I let him go out unproperly bundled up because I wanted him to get cold and realize there is a reason for wearing a coat, hat, gloves, etc. He has been faithful about wearing his good coat ever since.
November 19 |
Wednesday morning we had quite a surprise. As we were loading in the car to take Will to playschool, Max, the neighborhood cat came in our house! Both kids were screaming and I was starting to freak out on the inside. I had no real idea how to coax the cat out of the house, but knew I absolutely didn't want to leave him alone in the house for the next two hours we planned to be gone. Luckily Will suggested we ask our neighbor Jan, who owns several cats, what to do. She gave us some cat treats and we were able to lure him out rather easily.
November 20 |
My friend Lauren organizes a playgroup and we met up at the church for some free-for-all in the cultural hall. It was pretty fun. Visiting with friends is a highlight of any week, but especially when TJ is gone.
November 21 |
When I woke up Friday morning I was so happy. I slept through the night for the first time since before Anthony left. And he was back so he got Will his breakfast before he started working! Lauren came in to find me and climbed in bed with me and her baby. She was being very sweet, going back and forth between kissing her baby and snuggling with me. I wish I could bottle up the sweet cuddles she gave me and the high-pitch baby talk she was using as she soothed her baby. This picture will have to do.
November 22 |
We bit the bullet and started to paint the trim in our front room this week. I've spent several hours over the past two days listening to
Maisie Dobbs books while dusting, taping, painting, caulking and painting some more. I'm excited for how much brighter the room will be once we are done. This is the biggest project I've undertaken since we've moved in and I'd really like to get it done within the next week.