Saturday, November 15, 2014

2014 :: week 46

November 9
Lauren spent some time holding the door open for people after church on Sunday while she waited for her TJ and me to finish whatever it was we were trying to do before we could leave. We had the primary program and Will did a great job. The girl I sit with ran off the stand and I had to chase her around the chapel while wearing heels which was slightly embarrassing. We will put on the program for the Single's Ward next Sunday and I will be wearing flats just in case.

November 10
 She's "a grumpy old troll. Sitting on top of a bridge..." Lauren likes to sing this song from Dora when we get home from dropping Will off at preschool and block me as I try to enter the house. She wants me to solver her riddle which usually is just saying "por favor."

November 11
The weather dropped over 40 degrees between Monday and Tuesday and messed with my sinuses, giving me the worst headache I've had in a very long time. Luckily there was no school and we were able to have a low-key day. During a brief period of productivity (aka the 90 minute window when my medicine was working) we moved some things to the basement for storage. Lauren got in our exersaucer and pretended she was a baby for a bit.

November 12
We ran a few errands immediately after picking Will up from school Wednesday afternoon. He fell asleep on the drive home and was in a deep enough sleep that I helped him walk in the house and over the couch were he continued to sleep for an additional half hour. Lauren kept coming back to the couch and checking on him and he barely stirred. Tired boy.

November 13
We've wanted the kids to try their hand at sharing a room for awhile. There are various reasons for this, but the most pressing is that we will be visiting Anthony's family over the holidays and will all be sleeping in the same room. My friend Stephanie recently bought a new bed for her daughter and is letting us borrow their toddler bed, so we decided to give it a go. They did great! There's more talking than there was before they shared a room, but there is also slightly less night wandering. The verdict is still out on whether or not it is successful, but so far we are pleased with how things are going.

November 14
With the colder weather has come a lot more basement playtime. The kids haven't played here much recently, but this week they spent quite awhile playing together. Here they had prepared a feast and Lauren was getting frustrated with Will for eating all the desserts.

November 15
All week I was dreading the snowfall that was forecasted for today. It turned out to be only a dusting. I let the kids play outside on their bikes/cars/scooters for about fifteen minutes while Anthony cleaned up some leaves so they'd get one last chance to ride them before the ground was covered with snow. It started to fall while we were out, but it wasn't heavy and their was no accumulation.


Lauren said...

You are great at documenting the little details that you want to remember! I'm the worst at that. Lauren's riddle cracks me up.

E said...

That last picture of Will is just too cute!

Susan said...

Sorry about your headache. Hope you're feeling better this week!

Meredith said...

I laughed out loud about the riddle. We need to head south to visit you guys...your basement feasts look a lot more fun than ours.