Sunday, November 2, 2014

blue october

I have a distinct memory from this summer, right after the all-star break. Our family was listening to sports radio while driving to the gym and the commentators were talking about what sort of chance the Royals had of making the playoffs. One of the guys was so confident they would make the playoffs, he said he thought the Royals were going to win the World Series and was willing to "put money on it." Anthony laughed out loud at how far-fetched it would be for the Royals to make the playoffs, and at how downright ridiculous it was to think they'd win the World Series.

Fast forward a few months and suddenly the sports radio guy wasn't sounding so crazy. Actually, he still sounds crazy most of the time. But he was surprisingly accurate in his prediction that the Royals would not only make the playoffs, but make it to the World Series! And the whole city was excited about it.

Will is falling in love with baseball at just the right time. My family moved to Kansas City twenty years ago and it is our first Royals-in-the-playoffs experience too.

Royals are #1--This girls knows a surprising amount about the Royals. She named her one of her bears Baby Butler after Billy and likes to sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame."

One of the playoff games was on while we were at the gym and it was playing on many screens.

Will decided he wanted to be Sluggerrr for Halloween almost a year ago. It took a bit of figuring out how to pull it together. Here he is after we made his mane and crown. He was very pleased with them, though the mane itched a bit. The make-up helped to pull the look together.

The whole town was pretty excited about having a relevant team. The day after the Royals clinched the ALCS I heard several Royals' themed parodies ("Party Like it's 1985," "Royals," and "All About that Base") on the radio.

It was a crazy run! Lots of late nights with extra innings and close games.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

His costume turned out great! Also, I definitely jumped on the Royals' bandwagon. It was a fun bandwagon. :)