November 23 |
We had our final temple prep class with a soon-to-be missionary, and Anthony pulled out his mission album to show him what life was like for a Finnish missionary circa 2001. The kids--especially Will--were fascinated by the photos.
November 24 |
We agreed to watch the kids friend Bailey's hermit crabs and beta fish while he went out of town for Thanksgiving. Bailey and his family brought the pets over after school and Will and Lauren were mesmerized. We made it through the week without killing them (I was actually quite worried about this) and we learned that our family is not yet ready to take on the responsibility of having a pet. Or I should say, TJ and I are not ready to take on the responsibility. The kids did a great job of remembering to feed them, they just wanted to feed them way too much way too often. They both wanted to touch them all the time and I was afraid they would smother the poor crabs. I spent a lot of time making sure the kids weren't going to harm the animals with their intense interest.
November 25 |
Lauren loves raspberries. They were on sale at Sprouts this week so we bought several boxes. I got this one out while I was putting away the groceries and when I turned around this is what I saw. She had single-handedly devoured the box. Good thing we had more in the fridge.
November 26 |
I'm not sure why this picture won't load right. Wednesday afternoon Anthony finished work a little early and we went to Pump It Up! to burn some calories before Thanksgiving. We had a fantastic time. We made up a game that was a mash up of basketball, soccer, dodge ball and jumping and spent a lot of time dominating this inflatable.
November 27 |
We gathered for Thanksgiving dinner with a few families at the Cooks home. Emilee had some Thanksgiving coloring pages and activities out for the kids to color while the adults made final food preparations.
November 28 |
It was a nice day so we had to squeeze in some yardwork. Anthony cleaned out our gutters and then we walked to the park. When it started to get dark we walked around the block to check out the Christmas lights that have recently been hung in the neighborhood. It was totally dark by 5:30pm.
November 29 |
When I woke up this morning to go to the gym I was disappointed to see that both kids were already up. I was really hoping they would have slept in a bit later as we have been staying up later than usual this week and the kids need their rest (they've been really grumpy). Will was teaching Lauren about baseball with his cards. I heard him tell her that "The Los Angeles Dodgers play in LA and so do the Angels, but they are the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. Isn't that weird?" She did not appear to care.
I love that conversation between Will and Lauren about baseball. Do your kids not wake you up when they get up? That's amazing.
Funny Will. Although, I do think that's a little odd, too.:)
I'm so excited to chat baseball with Will over Christmas! I'm sure I'll learn some new gems :)
That conversation about baseball is awesome. I think Matt will find a new best friends in Will this New Years. Will can update him on everything in baseball. :)
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