Sunday, December 7, 2014

2014 :: week 49

November 30
I spoke in church on Sunday, and there is nothing quite like the sweet relief of knowing you've taken your turn and you can spend the rest of the day relaxing. After church I worked on a cross-stitch, snuggled with Lauren and watched Anthony and Will sort baseball cards.

December 1
This is Will after we informed him there wasn't going to be any other food options if he didn't at least try his dinner. I tried a new enchilada recipe and though both TJ and I thought it was quite good neither kid was really feeling it. A child will never starve in a house with food, right?

December 2
Our kids are always looking for ways to prolong the bedtime routine. This week they decided they needed to walk backwards ups to stairs because the extra twenty seconds it took to walk up the stairs was twenty seconds they weren't in bed.

December 3
When Lauren and I returned home from running some errands we were greeted with a slew of boxes. The fruits of my Black Friday/Cyber Monday online shopping began to arrive.

November 4
On Thursday evening Lauren told me she "had a rough day." Me too. After a week of great potty-training progress Thursday we took some major steps back. I suppose I jinxed things when I said I thought she had it down the night before. Her four accidents made it a rough day for me too. Nothing a post-kids' bedtime Chick-fil-A peppermint shake couldn't soothe, but luckily things got better the next day and she's had three accident-free days in a row.

December 5
Friday was Lauren's last Kinder Kids dance class. She had a fun month of classes, and the clear highlight for her was learning how to do a somersault.

December 6
Saturday morning we attended our ward's Christmas Brunch. We enjoyed visiting with friends and eating good food, so all the goals of a ward party were met. There were crafts and games for the kids and a movie set up as well so adults could chat.


E said...

Walking up the stairs backwards is quite the bedtime derailment! Such funny kids you have :)

Jill said...

Ah, I spy the cross stitch that is now proudly displayed by my Christmas tree! Thanks again!

Mitzi said...

Hooray for three days of success! I hope she keeps it up!

Susan said...

Congrats on potty training success! Hope there are no steps backward - both literally and figuratively. :)