Saturday, December 20, 2014

2014 :: week 50

December 7
Each Sunday in December the primary presidency is having the future Sunbeams come in from nursery and participate in singing time. Lauren has really enjoyed it. The leaders let the future Sunbeams lead the songs. Here they are leading "The Wise Man  and the Foolish Man."

December 8
Monday night we went to Bass Pro to get our traditional Santa pic. Last year we never got to our pic despite two attempts due to incredibly long lines and Will coming down with a stomach bug while we were in line. This year Will played with some slot cars and Lauren colored lots of pictures while we waited.

December 9
Lauren and I mailed our first batch of Christmas cards at the post office while Will as at school. I'm still working on getting the last few out...

December 10
Wednesday night we stopped by my parents house to drop of some Christmas presents. We stopped by the "crazy lights house" around the corner on our way home. The kids love the light show this house puts on. It's synchronized to a several songs, including Will's favorite Pachabel Canonthe Trans-Siberian Orchestra pachabel Christmas Canon. I should have taken a picture of Will's face while watching and listening to this song. Full on Fuller smile.

December 11
Will was so determined to get a piece of his candy (I stashed it on the top of the fridge) that he stacked Lauren's potty on top of one of our chairs. I know that lots of kids do things like this routinely, but this was Will's first time. He's scared of heights and has never attempted something this "dangerous" before.

December 12
Will has several friends that own Wiis and has played various Mario games at their homes. He asked Santa for a Mario game and told me if he doesn't get it it will be the worst Christmas ever. Well, he's definitely not getting a Mario game (or the requisite Wii on which to play said Mario game). But I decided to check a game out from the library for him to play at my parents house while I went to Utah for the weekend. He was very excited when we picked it up.

December 13
I flew to Utah for a "girls weekend" of sorts with my mom and sisters. We visited Temple Square and watched the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert. After making fun of my sisters for all the pictures they insisted on taking I stopped and asked for this ONE picture and they wouldn't let me live it down.


Holly said...

Will can come and play mariokart with Bennett anytime!

E said...

I love that last picture of you! I'm jealous that you got to have a girls weekend with your family.

Mitzi said...

That sounds fun!